Thursday, December 4, 2014

Nationwide protests against police (video)

Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly;; AP
Racist Police State: Sparky asks pro-police gun nut about Ferguson's Michael Brown, NY's Eric Garner, Ohio's John Crawford, child Tamir Rice (Tom Tomorrow/

Demonstrators rally against another prosecutor-biased grand jury's decision not to indict the cop who killed Eric Garner. They carry a collection of mock coffins bearing the names of victims of fatal police violence as they cross the eastbound traffic lanes of the Brooklyn Bridge, Dec. 4, 2014, in New York (AP).

"NYPD, KKK, How many people have you killed today?" Brooklyn Bridge, NY (AP)
Eric Garner, Ferguson joint demonstration, Foley Square, NYC, Dec. 4, 2014 (AP
Vince Warren on How Police Officers Get Away with Killing from Ferguson to NYC

Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan
Amys_column_default_640x360_2014 Another police killing of an unarmed man of color. Another grand jury deciding not to indict: Not for murder. Not for manslaughter. Not for assault. Not even for reckless endangerment. We live in a land of impunity. At least, for those in power.
 S2-ferguson-protest1 Ferguson Protests: "Hands up, don't shoot! I can't breathe!"
    #CrimingWhileWhite, #AliveWhileBlack #BlackLivesMatter

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