Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Night Will Fall" Holocaust memorial (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly; Producer Sally Angel, Host Larry Mantle (AirTalk, KPCC FM, SCPR.org, Jan. 27, 2015); BBC.com
“Night Will Fall” will air tonight, Jan. 27, on HBO2, in conjunction with a global event and telecast to commemorate international Holocaust Remembrance.
New documentary revisits Nazi concentration camps with restored and never-before-seen footage
Night Will Fall: filming the Nazi death camps
[Israel is not commemorating the Holocaust today because it is creating a different mythos of the modern Jew as more heroic, according to the BBC.]

Unlike the present when most Americans are aware of the Nazi concentration camps and the many who were killed, very few Americans at the time had any idea of the camps despite the massive war effort on the part of the United States after 1941.

Boy stands against Israeli tank (ecologyofideas)
After the camps were liberated from Nazi control, army filmmakers took extensive footage of Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz, and other concentration camps in an attempt to document what had happened.
Yet, despite a serious attempt by prolific industry men such as Alfred Hitchcock and Richard Crossman to document the footage, particularly in a film entitled, "German Concentration Camps Factual Survey," the project never fully got off the ground.

Alfred Hitchcock and Richard Crossman's German Concentration Camps Factual Survey (uncensored)

Without being widely seen, the footage has been held for decades, and it had even been put together with a commentary by Trevor Howard. Yet that project was also limited; moreover, the final reel of footage had not been included in the film.
The modern holocaust: Al Nakba, Palestine
Now the footage will be released again, this time with narration by actress Helena Bonham Carter, behind-the-scenes interviews from Alfred Hitchcock and others, and the complete footage.

Directed by Andre Singer, the film is called "Night Will Fall," and it will be released by HBO Documentary Films. More + AUDIO

(Frontline Club) "Night Will Fall" Q&A with the director
The Catastrophe
(AJE) What about today's "holocaust" called Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe," in Israeli-occupied Palestine? On a day like this, no one is allowed to say, "The king has no clothes (and is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity with U.S. help and weapons)."
The Nakba (when Zionist Jews calling themselves the rightful heirs of "Israel" invaded, occupied, and began a European-imperialist campaign of ethnic cleansing of the indigenous inhabitants, the Palestinians) did not begin in 1948.

Its origins lie over two centuries ago. So begins this four-part series on the Nakba, meaning the "catastrophe," about the history of the Palestinian expulsion that led to the first Israeli War on Arabs in 1948 and the establishment of the "State of Israel," as it calls itself.
This sweeping history starts back in 1799 with French imperailist Napoleon's attempted advance into Palestine to check British expansion and his appeal to the Jews of the world to reclaim their land in league with France.

CIA and military-industrial complex say yes.
The narrative moves through the 19th century and into the 20th century with the British Mandate in Palestine and comes right up to date in the 21st century and the ongoing Nakba on the ground. Arab, Israeli, and Western intellectuals, historians, and eye-witnesses provide the central narrative, which is accompanied by archive material and documents, many only recently released for the first time ever.

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (ijsn.net)

Headlines (Democracy Now! Jan. 27, 2015)

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