Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sick Sad World: "Daria" the movie (video)

Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Isihennig; Steven Kerber; Eyewitness News, Inland Empire (ABC7.com); CollegeHumor.com; Jeremy Scahill
(MTV's "Daria"/College Humor) Daria Morgendorffer (Aubrey Plaza) returns to Lawndale to discover that her shallow classmates have grown into shallow adults. Not funny. But these are:

(MTRgirl101) High School "science" with Daria, Beavis, and Butthead means failing and making the best of it. What science project could do that? Mrs. Dickie finds out as Daria experiments with their stupidity. Is genetic, environmental, or both?

Other Desert Cities: Trauma, Unemployment, Drugs, Sex Abuse
Did you ever wonder what Coachella is like the rest of the year? When The Empire Polo Field is not in use, the high desert are in the Inland Empire is a hotbed of unemployment, drugs, and traumatic abuse. It's not all bad, and lots of normal life goes on, but one wouldn't know to look at the headlines over at the ABC 7 Eyewitness News affiliate. Just look:

(ABC7) Oh no she didn't! She did! Woman kisses stranger after snub.

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people [priests, bishops, cardinals, popes,] and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture, and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions. (ITCCS.ORG).

Fox News has apologized for broadcasting false information about Muslims in the wake of the Paris attacks. Last weekend, self-described terrorism expert Steve Emerson claimed on air that parts of Europe, including the entire English city of Birmingham, were totally Muslim areas where non-Muslims do not go. Emerson was forced to apologize, but the claim about so-called "no-go zones" was repeated by other Fox guests and anchors.

On Saturday, according to a CNN Money tally, Fox News took time out of four broadcasts to apologize for reports on Muslims. Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, discusses the rise of so-called "terrorism experts" by Fox News and other major cable networks.

In two recent interviews with CNN, Scahill has criticized the news giant and others for their use of "on-air analysts who also work in the private sector and make money on the idea that we should be afraid." He also responds to blistering criticism from FBI chief James Comey of using an anonymous al-Qaeda source in reporting on the Charlie Hebdo massacre, and analyzes what al-Qaeda’s claim of responsibility will mean for the U.S. drone war in Yemen.

Snipers are cowards
"American Sniper" billboard vandalized

Starring Bradley Cooper, the Clint Eastwood-directed film tells the story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, known as the deadliest sniper in U.S. history. The film continues to stir up controversy as some ask if it's glorifying a hero or a killer.

The billboard, located near Wilshire Boulevard and Bundy Drive, was covered up Monday night, but when crews returned the next morning, the poster was gone. Below the billboard, they found brand new graffiti on a rooftop. People magazine tweeted a photo of the billboard before it was covered up. More

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