Monday, January 12, 2015

Will the Dalai Lama ever return to Tibet?

Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly;
The Vajrayana "pontiff" teaches the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva  (
Dalai Lama's former "Vatican," Potala, Lhasa
Today on NPR's BBC Newshour (via, 1:00-2:00 pm, Los Angeles and available as a podcast) news came down from McLeod Ganj, India, about whether or not most Tibetans today will ever get to Chinese-occupied Tibet. Moreover, will the former temporal and current spiritual leader, the 14th Dalai Lama, get to so much as visit before he passes away?

People the world over, like this audience in Boston, love a charismatic leader (DL).
It is doubtful he will have the opportunity if China has anything to say about it. But what if the USA and CIA help him? They "helped" him into his current mess as it is when he was hired as a CIA operative (not an agent, just another asset) in the USA's secret and ongoing war on communism and the Chinese empire. What then will be the Dalai Lama's legacy for today's Tibetans?
Old map of the Chinese empire coming back.
He will ask them to continue to struggle against China, while himself trying to accommodate and compromise. If China will have none of it, the ruling lama of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" sect of Vajaryana Buddhism will have no choice but to continue policies that seem to have failed over the past 50 years. Have they failed? They succeeded in maintaining the status quo, but they do seem to have failed in gaining a reproachment or a path toward peace and repatriation for thousands of Tibetans living as guests in India's Himalayas and cities. More

Living in Himalayan McLeod Ganj
Wisdom Quarterly wiki edit
McLeod Ganj is a suburb of Dharamsala -- home of the Dalai Lama, retired leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile -- in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh state, India.

It is known as "Little Lhasa," the capital of Tibet surrounding the magnificent castle, palace, Vatican-like treasure storehouse of Potala. It is also called "Dhasa" (a short form of Dharamsala used mainly by Tibetans) because of its large population of Tibetans. The Tibetan government-in-exile is headquartered in McLeod Ganj.

It is at an average elevation of 6,831 feet (2,082 meters). It is situated on the Dhauladhar Range, with the highest peak, "Hanuman Ka Tibba," at about 18,500 feet (5,639 meters), standing just behind it.

McLeod Ganj was named after Sir Donald Friell McLeod, a Lieutenant Governor of Punjab. The suffix ganj is a common Urdu language word for "neighborhood." More

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BBC and The Intercept
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