Sunday, February 15, 2015

Love, Sex, and Attachment (video)

Amber Larson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Helen Fisher, Krista Tippett (

Love and Sex and Attachment
Meeting my match (
"Americans love romantic love. We just love romantic love. But we don't pay much attention to attachment," says Helen Fisher, chief scientist at

In her TED talks, which have been viewed by millions of people, and the scientific research she does for, she uses science as a sobering, if entertaining, instrument to see and understand what feels like the most meaningful encounters of our lives.

She is a leading anthropologist/explorer on the new frontier of seeing into our brains during sex and when we are in love. And she reveals how we can take this knowledge as a form of power -- to give conscious new meaning to the thrilling and sometimes treacherous human realms of love, sex, attachment, and marriage. More
In the Room The whole interview includes fascinating insights from this biological anthropologist that did not fit into the radio hour. Arranged marriages create the conditions for love and romance to happen, brain science gives nuance to the term “animal attraction.”

Prof. Helen Fisher, Ph.D. is a Visiting Research Associate and member of the Center for Human Evolutionary Studies in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University. She is also the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Internet dating site Her books include Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage and Why We Stray, and Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love.
Famous Amy Fischer, teen lover (CBS News)
Juvenile accused of running child porn Instagram site Pembroke Pines police are asking parents in South Florida to check the online accounts of their children after three juveniles were accused of creating an Instagram account to solicit and post explicit photos of other minors. They arrested two boys, ages 12 and 13, and a girl, 13, on Thursday, following a 10-week investigation. They face charges of electronic transmission of child pornography.
Police keep killing with impunity. But he was drunk with a rock in hand. Kill. (
Parker J. Palmer, Feb. 11, 2015
Cynicism beckons to us with ease at times. But how do we remain open to the good within and around us? Here is a reminder to keep hope alive when the demon inside us bites down, plus lyrical lines from Mary Oliver.
Anastasia Hacopian, Feb. 15, 2015
When age and experience dwindle our capacity for wonder, the books of our childhood may be our salvation and our "thin places" where the boundary between the material and the magical opens ourselves to wonder all over again. 
Science on Human Frontiers
On Being’s special series, "Science on Human Frontiers," delves into new wisdom about the complex mysteries of the universe. From string theory to the search for life on other planets to the science of well being, we explore how science is informing what it means to be human and how we can live.
The Disease of Being Busy Our overscheduled lives leave little time for contemplation and reflection. How do we enable each other to pause and reflect together and ask how our hearts are doing? 
Dark Browns, Peaches, and the Wisdom of Children Children ask questions that challenge the best of parents. They also expose the weaknesses of our responses. A set of reflections from a black South African mother and activist who is confronted by the truth of her daughter's words and embracing the "weirdness" of their "dark brown and peach" family. 
Human identity is more fluid than ever before. How do we live gracefully in this moment of change, helping to shape it? How do we nurture common life, even as we are reinventing it? With Imani Perry, Richard Rodriguez, Michel Martin, and Nathan Schneider.
Omid Safi, Feb. 12, 2015
Islamophobia. The killing of three American college students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina has shaken the Muslim community to its core. Omid Safi remembers the extraordinary human beings we lost and the pain that may lead to a new civil rights movement.
New iPad App. Work with Us. Omid on Grieving. Harry Potter Teaches Us About Reckoning with Evil. More Than an Icon, a Man Executive editor wraps up the week with stories on thinking about MLK differently and the horrors happening in the news. Trent Gilliss also shares the new On Being iPad app and some openings at On Being for you to consider. More

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