Friday, March 6, 2015

"Chappie" and future police robots (video)

Die Antwoord ("The Answer") African gangstas, most popular music group on the continent.
Yolandi (center) at Coachella Fest, CA
We often talk about the terrible South African rap-rave group Die Antwoord, Yo-Landi Visser and Ninja. We can't get enough of them. And beginning today the whole world will know their name because not only can they sing and create amazing hooks and bring out Gaga-esque art from spiritual black dimensions.

Yolandi, Ninja, and Sixteen Jones
By "black" we mean dark and Illuminati-like because they aren't African from Africa but Afrikaans from European and Dutch descended colonial settlers. Everyone will know them because today they are graduating from music-video making to starring in a big Hollywood style movie (from the maker of "District 9," "Elysium") called "Chappie" about a sentient police robot who is a kind of walking drone with a gun, not working by remote control but making its own calculations from its own programming on whom to kill and when.

(Noisey) The making of "Fatty Boom Boom" featuring Ninja's art and ideas on the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa. "Demons" seem to have profound influence on music and oeuvre.
I'll kill you, bitch. - I know you will like y'all did Mike Brown. Read the DOJ report (AP)
Proof American racism is rampant among police in U.S. and the Department of Justice just figured it out thanks to a murderer formerly on the Ferguson police force whose lynching by gun got him a better job and a big monetary reward and no apparent punishment other than a civil suit the parents of the teen victim have been threatening for a long time.

Look, even if you told me my nose is this long, I still got to defend this department, so I'll say anything to do that, with the proviso that I'm going to cover my @$$ and protect my retirement and severance package. So it's not like this is the last murder we're committing, but this guy's a bank robber, so just drop this one. And drop the Ezell Ford killing, too. That is such a pain in my... (LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck has to bend the truth a lot).
While the kangaroo court circus, with an all-powerful local prosecutor as ringmaster, has determined that the tainted evidence and hand selected testimony of witnesses -- we like anyone who agrees with the police account and consider any other testimony unreliable and not credible -- is enough of an "independent investigation," top prosecutor Eric Holder issues a "scathing" report on overt racism and bias against blacks by the Ferguson Police Department. Who knew they were racist? (Official US report finds racial bias in Ferguson Police Department).

Knock, knock. Who is it? 1984. 1984-who? 1984 at your front door. Open up or we'll break it down. We don't need no stinkin' warrant! Whole city's on lock down and under Martial law.
But now that the cat is out of the bag and they can no longer assess their "poor tax" and fund their department and court system on the black of the New Jim Crow "slaves" of Missouri, what will actually change? Ask Prof. Michelle Alexander or Joy DeGruy before you answer. Even if you only speak to Professors Gerald Horne or Cornel West, you'll figure out we're living not in a post racist age but an age when talking about the racism that exists is "racist." Don't talk about it!

(CP) Die Antwood rap-rave show in Rock Werchter, Belgium, proving their mettle to Europe after conquering South Africa, July 1, 2012.
Think about it, Ninja, we're going to be international film stars and Sixteen, too. - Yeah.
Let it exist instead? No, if we all ignore it, it will go away by itself. Nobody's doing it, nobody's racist. It's just happening by implicit bias not explicitly. No one can be blamed, and nothing can be done. So drop it. Next subject! So let Ferguson's PR campaign begin in earnest and let's go back to the good old days of riding the blacks like slave patrol subjects like those golden days of yore when daddy used all of mommy's sheets and returned them with two eyes hole and some red stains. It's some strange fruit.

Racism is alive and well and encouraged in police institutions found by DOJ investigation in Ferguson, vindicating black citizens who long complained of modern equivalents of old slave patrols and lynchings (AP).
(Camille and Kennerly) Oh, look, angels are white. Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" on harp.

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