Friday, June 19, 2015

Afghanistan exhibit (UCLA's Hammer Museum)

The Afghan Carpet Project,; editorial by Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, and CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Preserve Buddhist Mes Aynak, Afghanistan (
The Caucasian Central Asian children of rural Afghanistan before being terrorized, raped, droned, or murdered by hand by U.S. soldiers prodded by their angry father figures in (AP).
Please stop killing us, USA.
The Afghan Carpet Project features six carpets designed by LA-based contemporary artists—Lisa Anne Auerbach, Liz Craft, Meg Cranston, Francesca Gabbiani, Jennifer Guidi, and Toba Khedoori—which were handmade by weavers in Afghanistan. The exhibition is the culmination of a project that began with a trip to Afghanistan to visit weavers in the capital Kabul and [Buddhist] Bamiyan in March 2014. The trip provided the artists with insight into the craft and the production process, as well as the living and working conditions for the weavers. Following the trip, each artist came up with an original design for her carpet—some reflecting upon the experience, and others derived out of the artists’ respective practices.
Central Asian culture: The Afghan Carpet Project at the Hammer Museum, UCLA
The project was initiated by the not for profit organization AfghanMade, along with carpet producer Christopher Farr, Inc. with the goal of collaborating with women weavers in Afghanistan. All profits from carpet sales (after fabrication costs are recovered) will benefit Arzu Studio Hope, an organization that established weaving studios in Afghanistan, which provide fair wages, education, and healthcare to Afghan women. The show will also include photo documentation of the trip, shot by Auerbach. This exhibition is on view until September 27 and was organized by curator Ali Subotnick with Emily Gonzalez-Jarrett, curatorial associate. More
CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin confronts Bush-era war criminal C. Rice with bloody hands.
Lady Liberty is wearing slave shackles in New York Harbor almost hidden by gown.

Li'l Adolf/Manson wanted a race war
World shocked by our enduring racism, neo-Nazism, gun violence? Really? We thought the world knew all about it. The USA is full of racism, class inequality, killer police to enforce societal prejudices, and hypocrisy. Good, there, now the world knows.

Racist, megalomaniac cop Eric Casebolt points deadly service revolver at unarmed black teens at a swimming pool party. Why? These n-words weren't obeying me fast enough, he said. They were actually coming to the aid of a 14 y.o. he was physically and almost sexually assaulting, and he was the cop in charge of the scene with a dozen cops backing him with guns ready. He resigned to be able to work at another department rather than be fired.

CODEPINK: Women for Peace (

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