Sunday, July 26, 2015

Vegan Picnic Class; Sugar-Free Challenge

Crystal Quintero, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Whole Foods Arroyo
What if the whole world stopped killing animals and the planet to eat? (Vegan World Radio)
Veggies are just like food: vegan  herbivorous "ribs" (Johnathan A. Armstrong/
Go vegan, save the planet, eat well, be kind, wear funny t-shirts (

V is for Vegan (
Pasadena is a progressive place full of hipsters, health-conscious yogis, and a great big Whole Foods outlet, two of them in fact on opposites sides of town. The Two-story supermarket and mass eating emporium is holding a "Vegan Pic Workshop" and a "No Sugar Challenge" in addition to the monthly free yoga classes from Yoga Works and its many other events and offerings

And in exciting protest news our friend Nick at Cal Poly Pomona beat college officials who tried to restrict his vegan club leafleting to a limited "free speech zone." Students needed a signed badge to even do or say anything within the designated freedom area. He sued on freedom of speech grounds and won a settlement for all free speech advocates on anything controversial the university wants to control or suppress. The school settled and Nick has been on the radio ( and local papers (

Take the no sugar challenge!
Annual Pasadena Vegan Brew Festival
Monday, July 27 from 6:00-8:00 pm (FREE!)
Join us to learn about the health impact of sweeteners and how to reset your palate with Registered Dietician  Carole Bartoloto, MA, RD. Attendees to this free event will learn how to implement a 2-week sugar and artificial sweetener challenge, identify hidden sources of sugar, and taste delicious desserts made without added sweeteners. RSVP at the Customer Service booth or on Eventbrite..

Vegan Picnic Class
Kaczeka Osh (
Thursday, July 30, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 pm (FREE!)
Join Yvonne Ardestani, chef and founder of My Eclectic Kitchen App and Blog, for a vegan cooking workshop! She'll be preparing three summer stapes including superfood crackers, vegan "goat" cheese with cranberry and dill, and curry jackfruit (a large Southeast Asian delicacy that grows on trees and is a savory vegetable when green and a fruit when golden yellow and ripe) sandwiches. Space is limited! RSVP at the Customer Service booth or on Eventbrite.

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