Friday, September 18, 2015

PORN: "Hot Girls Wanted," "Miss Tibet" (video)

Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly; Gianna Toboni, VICE Meets; ABC News
(Netflix) "A cinema verite look at the disturbing exploitative world of amateur porn." - Los Angeles Times. An official 2015 Sundance selection, "Hot Girls Wanted" shines a light on the thriving "amateur" porn industry in the U.S. through the experiences of five young women.
Peter, look! They just keep making more!
"Parks and Recreation" star Rashida Jones has established a lovable reputation through roles in hit comedies like "The Office" and "I Love You Man." Over the past few years, she has also ventured into writing and producing films, currently tackling projects like writing " Toy Story 4." Vice had a chance to hang out and talk about her shift getting behind the camera and the documentary she recently produced on Miami's amateur porn industry, "Hot Girls Wanted."

(Han Sadbury) "Hot Girls Wanted" full-length movie

Monastery to Catwalk: Miss Tibet Pageant

Should I travel to Tibet?
(Journeyman.TV) Miss Tibet: a beauty pageant and a political act, Tibetan women's moment in the limelight. The Miss Tibet beauty pageant claims to give women a platform to highlight Tibetan issues, drawing attention to the the plight of the its Buddhist people as well as the brilliance of the lifestyle and culture.

For Director Lobsang Wangyal the event is not just a beauty pageant but a political act "celebrating our identity, our culture, and our proud tradition" while "implicitly asserting" Tibet as a nation [distinct from China] and Tibetans as a people. But does the pageant actually empower its women or simply exploit them further?
  • COMMENT (Chris B.) This video should be entitled, "How to slowly lose your culture to become American."
Journeyman Pictures is an independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today, bringing stories from the world's top producers with a constant stream of new content. The channel has outstanding and controversial journalism covering many global subjects. Instagram:

Hey, I'm going to be a porn star!
(ABC News) Would be porn star Rachel Bernard said she answered a Craigslist ad for a modeling gig and somehow found herself doing adult entertainment. More:
Happy porn actresses dislike doc?
WARNING: Frank discussion on the pro side of sex, porn, and our abusive U.S. flesh trade!

Hey, Quagmire, porn addiction is serious!
(Alexandria Mulino, June 2015) All of us here watched the recent documentary "Hot Girls Wanted." I think I can speak for a lot of us in the porn, or "adult" film industry that this is a very unfair depiction of our industry. So I wanted to take it on and share another view with my "models" Saya Song, Lucia Lace, Taylor Reed, Ginger Bytes, and Danielle to get their input as well. This video by a "madam" (competitive agent soliciting women to be filmed in porn) is a must see  and, according to said "madam," also a more fair view of the porno industry.

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