Friday, September 18, 2015

There is no "war ON police" but a war BY police

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly;;; GreenPartyOC
Police kill out of fear and hate with impunity.
A recent Rasmussen poll found 58% of citizens who responded believe a "war on police" exists. The sentiment is being echoed publicly:
After Shannon J. Miles was arrested for allegedly killing Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth at a gas station in Houston, a local district attorney remarked that "there are a few bad apples in every profession. That does not mean there should be open warfare declared on law enforcement."

Get the F out of the way! We're coming in!
NPR reports that some people are using this statistic as evidence of such a war: In 2013, 27 U.S. officers were "feloniously killed"; a year later, the number was 51. But Seth Stoughton, a former policeman and current assistant law professor, says this so-called "war" is, in fact, imaginary.

"It's misleading to compare one year to another year," says Stoughton. "2013 was the safest year for police officers ever," as in, "the safest year in recorded history." More

Far from there being a war on police, there is a war on private citizens -- particularly young blacks, women, Latinos, gays, protesters, and peaceful demonstrators of all kinds. Racist/sexist U.S. police protect elite with dog attacks on civilians, 1964 (
Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Gayle McLaughlin, KPFK's Andrew Tonkovich (GreenPartyOC)

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