Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chlorophyll-Rich Diet and Chakras (video)

Carla Golden ( edited by CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
What makes plants green is a substance called chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesizing -- using light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into nutrition (glucose) for the plants.
While we humans can not yet photosynthesize (or can we?), I believe that eating foods high in chlorophyll helps us assimilate the healing power of the sun more efficiently by creating an overall body chemistry more in tune with nature.

Which foods are high in chlorophyll? Green foods! The darker the green, the more chlorophyll. For example, we can eat more:
  • dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, chard, collards
  • fresh herbs like parsley, dill, cilantro
  • blue-green algae
  • sprouts
  • wheatgrass
  • matcha whole leaf green tea
  • green vegetables and fruit like peas, asparagus, broccoli, celery, grapes
  • sea vegetables (edible seaweeds).
We have bodies of vibrating light.
Chlorophyll is a phytonutrient that oxygenates and detoxifies our blood. It is rich in enzymes and high in amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

It alkalizes the body (read more on pH), which means good health. It is anti-inflammatory. And it is an antioxidant.

Chlorophyll has been shown to repair damaged DNA and speed up the healing process around wounds.
Heavy metal chelation (removing toxins like mercury and lead naturally) is another function of dietary chlorophyll. It also reduces bad breath from the inside out. In fact, it helps eliminate all bodily odors, like those on the skin and in the throat, stomach, and colon, the digestive tract which is where bad breath originates.

Chlorophyll and blood
The structure of chlorophyll is nearly identical to that of hemoglobin in our blood. The central atom of chlorophyll is magnesium (green), whereas the central atom of hemoglobin is iron (red). Magnesium is what helps alkalize the body and deliver oxygen to cells and tissues. Chlorophyll helps promote the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

The trick to retaining maximum chlorophyll in food is to eat it raw or steam, saute, or cook it slightly. If we retain the green color, we are retaining the beneficial chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll alone cannot counteract a toxic diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. But it can be an important, even a crucial, part of a healthy, wholesome life.
In addition, green is the color of our fourth chakra, the energetic nexus of the heart. Author Caroline Myss says “the fourth (middle) chakra is the central powerhouse of the human energy system. 

“It mediates between the body (three lower chakras) and spirit (three upper chakras) and determines their health and strength. This chakra embodies the spiritual lesson that teaches us how to act out of love and compassion and recognize that the most powerful energy we have is love.”

I look at my big mug of hot matcha green tea in the morning as warm liquid love. It feeds my body and soul. The ritual with the bamboo scoop, sifter, and whisk rivals that of any coffee lover’s accouterments. Among its many benefits, matcha… More

(Spirit Science 2) What our the body's energy centers? The chakras.

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