Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Buddhism in the ancient Grand Canyon (video)

Dhr. Seven, Xochitl, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; David H. Childress (YouTube); Jerry Wills (Xpeditions.TV) with James Swagger (Capricorn Radio); AP via mail.com
Sedona (the site of the Amitabha Buddhist stupa) extends south of the Grand Canyon.

Amazing: "Ancient Egyptians [and Buddhists] in the Grand Canyon?" David H. Childress
The Grand Canyon, the lesser of two similar canyons in Mexico (redicecreations.com)
David Hatcher Childress (davidhatcherchildress.com) is hailed as the real life "Indiana Jones." He is an explorer and seeker of ancient knowledge, civilizations, and structures. This interview is full of amazing and enlightening information about the astonishing 1909 Phoenix Gazette (USA) newspaper report about Egyptian, Hindu, and Buddhist chambers and artifacts in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

The unbelievable truth about America -- buried and hidden from us (Edward P. Vining)
Who discovered America? It certainly was not Columbus as the head of a Spanish Christian invasion or the Europeans. Even before Vikings made it over to Canadian and the shores of the Northeast, Afghan and Chinese Buddhist missionaries visited the Southwest and Mexico.

That's impossible! That's preposterous. Fortunately, American investigators reported on this or no one here now would believe it.

Many "discovered" America before Chris
Rick Fields wrote an enlightening book of the ancient history of Buddhism in the United States: How the Swans Came to the Lake: A Narrative History of Buddhism in America (shambhala.com). David Hatcher Childress has uncovered written documentation. But long before either of them dared put forward the evidence, a brave man named Edward P. Vining published an unbelievable article (now available at archive.com:

An Inglorious Columbus; or, Evidence that Hwui Shan and a party of Buddhist monks from Afghanistan discovered America in the fifth century, A.D. (Vining, Edward Payson, 1847-1920).

The Grand Canyon is grand and so is Sedona.
Vining published in 1885 on the topic America -- its discovery and exploration by a Chinese Buddhist missionary accompanied by a group of Afghan Buddhist missionaries. Because the Buddha, the Sage of Shakya Clan of Scythia (Bactria, Sakastan, Seleucid Empire, Central Asia, the frontier northwest of India in the vicinity of Gandhara and the more ancient Indus Valley Civilization now ceded by India to create Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan). These are not the only Americans who have rediscovered this amazing history of Asian visitors to America. There is also Jerry Wills (jerrywills.com) of Xpeditions (xpeditions.tv). Here he is interviewed on Capricorn Radio with Irish host James Swagger (jamesswagger.com):

Disclosure Nation(Disclosure Nation) Jerry Wills interviewed by James Swagger (jamesswagger.com) for the Capricorn Radio archive.
Indigenous History of U.S.
Did Buddhists, Asians, and possibly even ancient Egyptians visit North America? Did they leave a vast treasure behind? Today's guest was featured in an episode of America Unearthed entitled "Grand Canyon Treasure" on the History Channel H2, where he tried to answer the question:

Jerry Wills is on the trail of a possible treasure brought to America by the ancient Egyptians. If the legend is true, as many as 50,000 Egyptians fled to the New World in 25 B.C., led by Alexander Helios, the son of Marc Anthony and Cleopatra.

Buddhist and Hindu [IVC Vedic] statues in Grand Canyon (lightworkers.org/D.H. Childress)
  • It is no accident this information is hidden. According to Wills, it is due to religion: If it contradicts Christianity, it was shunted away. Anything that contradicted it, even if it formerly supported it like the discovery of giants (asuras). The Hopi Indians know all about it but regard it as "the City of the Dead" and do not go there. The American government, at least secret compartmentalized portions of it, knows all about it. It is now under military control.
    How the Swans Came to the Lake (Rick Fields)
    Not only may they have hidden a treasure in the Grand Canyon (America), allegedly discovered by explorer G.E. Kincaid in 1909 (as reported by the Phoenix Gazette and unearthed by David H. Childress), but perhaps also in an area in southern Illinois, known oddly enough as Little Egypt.

    A cave allegedly discovered by Russel Burrows (Burrows Cave) was said to be loaded with some 7,000 artifacts, including a solid gold tomb for an Egyptian king. Are the legends, which many Native American tribes still remember and speak of, true? Is the U.S. government hiding its own treasure in the Grand Canyon?

    At the age of 10, in about 25 B.C., Helios disappeared along with his followers and entourage. Translations of about 500 pieces which Burrows claims to have discovered bear the name of Helios and describes how Helios and 50,000 Egyptians fled the Mediterranean from persecution.

    Did they wind up in North America, sailing into the Gulf of Mexico and then up the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers -- just as Asians came up the Gulf of Mexico and up the Colorado river, which had a large natural dam and which brought it up to the level of the cave opening (as described by Wills, expeditions.tv)?
    The Associated Press conducted a special investigation into the history of corruption and cover ups, particularly of a sexual nature, surrounding workers at the Grand Canyon and Colorado River. It was released Jan. 12, 2016.
    AP News Break: Report charts history of abuse at Grand Canyon
    Sexual harassment, cover ups?
    FLAGSTAFF, Arizona (AP) - A new report by a federal watchdog outlines a history of harassment on river trips through Grand Canyon National Park.

    Male park employees allegedly propositioned female colleagues for sex, touched them inappropriately, and made lewd comments.
    The report obtained by The Associated Press comes after 13 current and former Grand Canyon employees filed a complaint in September 2014 saying women had been abused over 15 years. It was released [today] Tuesday by the Department of the Interior's Office of Inspector General.
    The evidence is hidden at the Smithsonian.
    About a dozen people have faced disciplinary action for sexual misconduct since 2003, ranging from a written reprimand to termination. But investigators say those actions are inconsistent, and many alleged incidents go unreported or aren't properly vetted by supervisors.

    One longtime human resources official interviewed by investigators said a "laissez faire" attitude exists of "what happens on the river, stays on the river." Grand Canyon officials until recently allowed river rafters to bring alcohol on the trips.

    Ask the Natives what lives here.
    A National Parks Service spokesman said the agency has zero tolerance for the behavior cited in the report. 

    "No NPS employee should ever experience the kind of behavior outlined in the report, and it is even more disappointing because previous efforts to change the culture at the River District of the grand Canyon failed to improve working conditions," NPS spokesman James Doyle said in an email. He said the agency is mulling more changes, including requiring nightly check-in calls, having a supervisor on every river trip and establishing an ombudsman.

    There were "white" and Native giants
    Grand Canyon National Park manages 280 miles of the Colorado River, providing emergency and medical services, as well as guiding researchers, politicians and students on a dozen river trips per year. Co-workers spend lengthy stretches together within the canyon's towering walls, camping on the river banks and cut off from the rest of the world. A satellite phone typically is available for emergencies only.

    The report does not identify any of the park employees, boatmen or contract workers by name. It focuses solely on trips run by Grand Canyon National Park. Commercial and private, or self-guided, river trips are conducted through different systems.

    The giants (asuras, titans) in Buddhism
    Incidents of sexual harassment on the national park trips included a boatman photographing an employee under her skirt, a supervisor grabbing a contract employee's crotch and park employees twerking during a dance party as a river trip was wrapping up, according to the report.

    The Park Service's Intermountain Region director Sue Masica, Grand Canyon Superintendent Dave Uberuaga and his deputy, Diane Chalfant, told investigators they were well aware of the history of alleged sexual harassment on the river and said the agency tried to change the culture. Masica said alcohol consumption [which goes against the Five Precepts] seemed to play a part. More

    Native American gold, Enki, Sumerians...
    Chinese discover America? Hendon Harris believes he has located and identified pre-Columbian land art in North America that bears evidence of an ancient Chinese dynasty. If proven true it places a highly advanced civilization in North America well before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and other Europeans. This newly discovered civilization may well be the earlier one that built the cities and created the mines Spanish explorers introduced to the western world as El Dorado [Spanish for "the Golden One," a mythical City of Gold]. In addition to the art, Harris thinks he has located some of the gold mines as well: The Eastern Mountains and El Dorado

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