Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to FIX Fukushima (a look inside by robot)

Dennis Watts (; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
(Network World) Look inside Fukushima by robot: Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has supplied the first look inside two of the reactor buildings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
What would a rejuvenated Japan look like? Green plants above, mycelium below.
Hand reaches out under radioactive pile of tsunami Fukushima debris (David Guttenfelder).
What is the problem with Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant?
Corium meltdown (wiki)
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has gone critical and requires immediate attention by utilizing a comprehensive set of solutions.
The fuel rods in three of the reactors have melted, and the fissionable nuclear material has reached staggering temperatures that has led to a China syndrome.
  • China syndrome (loss-of-coolant accident) is a hypothetical accident characterized by severe meltdown of the core components of a nuclear reactor, which then burn through their containment vessel, the housing building, then (figuratively) through the crust and mantle of the Earth until reaching the opposite side (which, in the US, is colloquially referred to as China).
Nature's "power plants" at work.
In other words, the meltdown has burned through the first containment vessel and the secondary containment vessel, which is the facility that houses the reactors.
It was found back in October 2013 that the coriums (melted fuel rods) were missing from Reactors 1, 2, and 3. The most current information shows that the coriums have made their way into the underground water table and have entered the Pacific Ocean Basin.
First level analysis shows that part of the fragmented corium could be in the Japan Trench, which has a depth of 23,176 feet (4.3 miles).

The problem
Experts on our team have donated many hours of time to make contact and connect with high quality minds worldwide to identify the best path(s) to a successful outcome of this impending disaster.
The corium is the lava product of the melted fuel rods. Each reactor contributed about 200 pounds of material, which is contributing to the poisoning of the Pacific Ocean. Ocean currents are stirring radioactive waste to all corners of the Pacific and further.
Nexxus research shows extreme problems with sockeye salmon, which are in the process of dying by the millions. The Pacific Northwest portion of the U.S. near British Colombia, Canada has four dead sperm whales in one week; they succumbed to extreme radioactive waste levels invading the ocean.

Other whale carcasses have been seen floating. This will have devastating consequences for all life on the planet as the beginnings of an extinction level event (ELE). 
The Solution
Home of devas ot woodland fairies (JayDMR)
Nexxus strongly believes that a set of solutions has been identified for the most important phases of the clean up of Fukushima NPP project. Our project team is recommending five phases:
  1. Use thermography on the Pacific Ocean surface to find hot spots and neutralize harmful effects of radioactive waste. Initial research shows coriums have fragmented and are spreading across the ocean basin. Concentrated areas of waste need to be found and neutralized.
  2. Demonstrate method to remediate radioactive coriums, waste water, soil, and spent fuel rods.
  3. Provide a plan of action to decommission the damaged reactors and other buildings to clean and terraform the Fukushima site with new flora and fauna.
  4. Assist with setup and treatment of people who have contracted radioactive waste poisoning both in Japan and the west coast of the USA along the Pacific Ocean.
  5. Consider the possibility of changing from nuclear power to advanced geothermal power or Peter Shastri’s hydro-magnetic power system (HMPS) that can produce an estimated 5000 megawatts of electrical power.
The Opportunity
Nexxus will introduce a way to neutralize radioactive waste. This demonstration can be used to show other nations how to safely contain and remediate nuclear waste.

It is hoped that this opportunity to change the global direction from storage of toxic waste to completely eliminating it will be fully realized. Nexxus also believes this is an excellent opportunity to introduce the widespread use of geothermal power production, a clean technology that is non-polluting to the environment. 

Iceland is an excellent example of geothermal power production from which the world can learn about clean power generation.

The idea of non-radioactive fuel rods -- technology successfully tested at Kawamata Labs in Fukushima, Japan -- can also be a game changer. More

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