Thursday, April 21, 2016

Coachella-alternative: "Broke LA" (video)

Brokechella; Ashlee Burke (; Amber Larson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Brokechella changes its name to Broke LA

Missed getting tickets to a certain sold-out festival in April? Make up for it with "Broke LA" (formerly known as Brokechella)!

Reviews of L.A. shows (
This (2016) is the sixth year the festival has been held in Los Angeles, but this year marks its first year under the new Broke LA moniker.

The DIY interactive music and art festival is slated for Saturday, April 23rd, and the best part: It won’t cost your rent to get a ticket!
Broke LA aims to be a DIY platform for new and exciting artists, and it includes both interactive music and arts events featuring dozens of indie artists on half a dozen stages.
For 2016 they are set to include an experimental film program, an “inventors alley,” more vendors, and larger art installations than ever before. More

Virūpākṣa and Vaisravana  (3D) Guardians of the Four Directions (Dikpāla) are the devas who guard the skies of Earth according to Hinduism and Vajrayāna Buddhism (Bruno Zaffoni).

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