Thursday, April 7, 2016

Guns n' Roses: countdown to Coachella (video)

Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; BU; Nicole Alvarez (;

TMZ cameras are everywhere in Hollywood, including the Troubadour for GNR.
Guns n' Roses -- with Axl and Slash side by side (but in their own primadonna worlds) -- played a small club in Hollywood recently as the ramp up for two massive Coachella shows.

We thought Chinese Democracy would never arrive! Has it? Has what? That album. Who knows, who cares, people just want to hear the oldies. GNR played almost 20 songs for a crowd made up almost exclusively of celebrities like Jim Carey and Lenny Kravitz and diehard fans who paid $10 (plus fees).
  • Coachella is sold out, but get tickets on Craigslist, on site (from fans), or from professional ticket resellers (with a major bump in price). Or just watch it here live.
There was no way fans could actually get in. Line up all night long and get bupkis for the trouble. Try to sneak in and get bounced. Try to show a ticket and be bumped for someone famous showing up at the door with nothing but star power. It was an old-time concert for Hollywood bigwigs and insiders.

(KROQ) Who in the H is DJ Nicole Alvarez? Blink-182 interview.

On short notice, Guns n' Roses announced an old-time Troubadour club show for fans.
DJ Nicole, a big GNR fan, tells it like it is, the good, the bad, and the sh*tty (
I loved it but, c'mon guys, kiss and make up.
But KROQ DJ Nicole Alvarez knows somebody who knows somebody, and she got in. She reported what she saw to Kevin and Bean:

GNR were great, only an hour and ten minutes late, Axl is not bald nor sporting that stupid corn row wig held to his scalp with a big bandana everybody loves, he can't hit all the high notes but he's energized, he did SIX costume changes one of which included bringing out the bandana. Slash is in top form, looking good and sounding great. The problem? Axl and Slash are in their own worlds, which means they're getting along at a minimal level. So don't expect a real GNR show if you're going to either of the two Coachella shows, but more a two-man showcase, each pretty good and happening at the same time but might as well be on two different planets, say, Mercury and Pluto. 

Axl Rose, the [blankest] man in rock 'n roll.
The original percussionist was not on stage. The drummer almost showed up when his current band cancelled a show at another Hollywood club, but he's sick. Is that Duff on stage, or is he turning his back on all that Coachella money? Quien sabe.

The Troubadour is a tiny, filthy club the City of West Hollywood below the Sunset Strip. It holds about 500 and was almost full by people dazzled that this show actually went off. Because even if GNR plays a show, it's never the whole band or that old spirit that was once there.

VIDEO: Guns N' Roses -- We're in the House! Well, Most of Us Are... (4/1/16) Guns N' Roses just started arriving at the famed Troubadour in West Hollywood for Friday night's epic show ... and they look like they mean business. We got video of Slash...

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Guns N' Roses -- fans trying to get THOUSANDS off a $10 investment (4/1/16) Guns N' Roses fans are turning their $10 wristbands into huge moneymakers...possibly getting up to $4,000 for just one of the golden tickets to Friday night's show.  One lucky fan who wait...
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VIDEO: Guns N' Roses -- You Know Where You Are??!! Axl's Still Got It ... (4/2/16) This is gonna blow your mind...and ears. If you thought Guns N' Roses was coming back at less than full force...listen to Axl Rose launch into "Welcome to the Jungle." Friday night's Troubadour show...
GNR play Coachella on April 16&;23, 2016 with A$AP Rocky, Halsey, Ice Cube, Chvrches...

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