Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Sphinx, "dreams" in ancient Egypt (video)

(Smithsonian Channel) King Thutmose IV did not build the Great Sphinx. He rediscovered it hidden in the sand and -- according to legend -- it made him king in return. From: "SECRETS: The Sphinx."
(Brien Foerster, June 23, 2014) How we know the pharaohs did not make the Sphinx; Stephen Mehler explains the running water beneath and the purpose of the Goddess Sphinx (
Egyptologist Kasia Szpakowska (©Mark Bussell/Providence Pictures/
Stela of Thutmosis IV: pharoah's slab
In ancient Egypt, when pharaohs wanted to record something for eternity and have it be known not only to mortals, but more importantly, to the gods [space-devas], they wrote in stone.
The hieroglyphs carved into the Dream Stela of Thutmosis IV, an enormous upright slab at the base of the Sphinx, tell a portentous story of a young king's bargain with the sun god [Surya].

In this interview, Egyptologist Kasia Szpakowska deciphers the stela for Gary Glassman, producer of NOVA's "Riddles of the Sphinx."
As Kasia Szpakowska explains, dreams like the one recorded on the stone slab at the base of the Sphinx had the power to solidify a pharaoh's reign and change the course of history. 

Photo of the Sphinx (135 years ago) buried in sand, neck far too wide before modifications.

(Cfapps7865, July 19, 2015) The Tunnels and Chambers Under the Sphinx. There are shafts and chambers in, on, and around the Sphinx. Ground penetrating radar confirms it. Why do we not hear about it from the so-called "experts"? They need to preserve Egyptian national pride. No modern Egyptian wants to hear that the pyramids, temples, and monuments are far older than popularly believed. Therefore, they were built by pre-Egyptian peoples. Egyptian only go back a few thousand years. Some pyramids are at least 25,000 years old, and the Sphinx is thought to be about 34,000 years old. The oblong skulls of pharaohs, often hidden by a headdress like that of Nefertiti, suggest the rulers were not ordinary earthlings but still human. The connection of this culture to Mars (Cairo means Mars) and the monuments visible on Mars suggest a connection between the two planets and their ancient cultures.
Stela etching of Thutmosis IV offering incense to the god [Anubis?] as the Sphinx.
NOVA: Who was Thutmosis IV, and why would he come here, to the area of the Sphinx?
Kasia Szpakowska: Thutmosis IV was the eighth king of the 18th dynasty, which is during Egypt's New Kingdom, a period when Egypt was really at its height. This area, at that time, was like a recreation area for the pharaohs. They would come here to hunt, ride their chariots, do target practice.

What is the story written on Thutmosis IV's stela?
The Dream Stela describes a time when he was just newly king. [Scholars put his reign at 1401-1391 B.C.] According to the stela, Thutmosis IV was strolling here one day, all alone. Around midday, he got very hot and decided to rest in the shadow of the Great Sphinx.

And at the moment when the sun hit the zenith -- was at the top of the sky -- the god Horem-Akhet-Khepri-Re-Atum came to him in a dream and basically told him that if he cleared away the sands that had been building up around [the Sphinx], the god would make sure that Thutmosis IV was the ruler of upper and lower Egypt, unified.

So the Sphinx was buried in sand at the time. Do we know how deeply?
It probably was deeply buried. We're not sure how much. I imagine that the outline of the body would have been visible, but there wouldn't have been the details of the paws, of the body at all. The head would have been visible.

(Sept. 14, 2015) Although long believed to have been a dynastic Egyptian work, in this video we see that the vertical erosion on the Sphinx and enclosure occurred at least 5,000 years before the pharaonic Egyptians ever existed. It was constructed between 30-80,000 years ago. There is clear evidence of chambers and tunnels UNDER the Sphinx, as Edgar Cayce saw.

DREAMS for ancient Egyptians
Was it unusual, in Egyptian lore, for a god to speak to a mortal?
The stela is an account of the king's dream.
It was very unusual for a god [deva] to speak to a mortal [human]. The kings, however, throughout Egyptian history would be spoken to by gods.

They received communications from gods through revelations and oracles. But seeing a god in a dream was an extremely rare phenomenon.
So that's also part of the reason that Thutmosis IV erected the stela -- to emphasize that he was the person whom the god chose to speak to in this very, very intimate encounter during a dream.

How did the Egyptians think about dreams?
Dreams were considered an external phenomenon. A dream was something that was outside of you. Egyptians never said, "I was dreaming," or "I'm dreaming right now," or "I'd love to be dreaming."

You saw things in a dream, as if it were something external to you, over which you had no control. And, in fact, most of the references we have to dreams in ancient Egypt treat them as things to be avoided and feared. So we have many spells to keep away bad dreams. In part, it's because dreams seem to be somewhere, again, between the land of the living and the land beyond.
The inhabitants of the beyond included not only the gods, not only the dead, but also the damned, those Egyptians who had not made it successfully to the afterlife or were thought of as enemies of the king or the gods. And those beings, through a dream, could also access a vulnerable individual while he or she was asleep, as a nightmare. More

Anubis: It's a dog not a lion
Robert Temple (Ancient Astronaut Arguments): The Sphinx and Anubis (Part 1 of 4)

Ancient-Astronaut ArgumentsRobert Temple reveals that the Sphinx was originally a monumental Anubis, the Egyptian jackal god, and that its face is that of a Middle Kingdom pharaoh, Amenemhet II, which was a later re-carving.

In addition, he provides photographic evidence of ancient sluice gate traces to demonstrate that, during the Old Kingdom, the Sphinx as Anubis sat surrounded by a moat filled with water -- called Jackal Lake in the ancient Pyramid Texts -- where religious ceremonies were held.

Temple also provides evidence that the exact size and position of the Sphinx were geometrically determined in relation to the pyramids of Cheops and Chephren and that it was part of a pharaonic resurrection cult.
The Sphinx Mystery verifies the existence of secret underground chambers beneath the Sphinx and demonstrates its origins as the Egyptian god of the dead, Anubis.

It includes an anthology of eyewitness accounts from early travelers who explored the secret chambers before they were sealed in 1926.

It reveals that the Sphinx was originally carved as a monumental crouching Anubis, the Egyptian jackal god of the necropolis.

Shrouded in mystery for centuries, the Sphinx of Giza has frustrated many who have attempted to discover its original purpose.

Accounts exist of the Sphinx as an oracle, as a king’s burial chamber, and as a temple for initiation into the Hermetic Mysteries. Egyptologists have argued for decades about whether there are secret chambers underneath it, why the head-to-body ratio is out of proportion, which is completely uncharacteristic of Egyptian design, and whose face adorns it.

Robert Temple addresses the many mysteries of the Sphinx and presents eyewitness accounts, covering a period of 281 years, of people who saw the secret chambers and even went inside them before they were sealed in 1926 -- accounts that had been forgotten until the author rediscovered them.

He proves  that Zahi Hawass, ousted head of Egyptian antiquities, is a liar. He also describes his own exploration of a tunnel at the rear of the Sphinx, perhaps used for obtaining sacred divinatory dreams.

Temple reveals that the Sphinx was originally a monumental Anubis, the Egyptian jackal god. The face is that of a Middle Kingdom Pharaoh, Amenemhet II, which was a more recent re-carving.

In addition, he provides photographic evidence of ancient sluice gate traces to demonstrate that, during the Old Kingdom, the Sphinx as Anubis sat surrounded by a moat filled with water -- called Jackal Lake in the ancient Pyramid Texts -- where religious ceremonies were held.

Temple also provides evidence that the exact size and position of the Sphinx were geometrically determined in relation to the pyramids of Cheops and Chephren and that it was part of a pharaonic resurrection cult.
What is the connection between Mars and ancient Egypt?

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