Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Dalai Lama: gun control, Orlando, climate

SFGate.com; Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

SACRAMENTO, California - In front of state lawmakers weighing a slate of gun-control measures, the Dalai Lama said Monday [June 20, 2016] that ending violence requires inner disarmament and an education system that focuses on teaching moral values, compassion and what it means to be a global citizen.

In a speech to lawmakers in the state Capitol, the Tibetan spiritual leader called a sense of community “the basis of our own happy future.”

(Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle)
His comments came in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando and the deadly attack in San Bernardino in December, which led California lawmakers to introduce more than a dozen gun-control bills.

Real gun control must come from here,” the Dalai Lama said, pointing at his heart.
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate also spoke to the Legislature of the need to care for the planet and the threat of climate change -- a hallmark concern for Gov. Jerry Brown -- in an address that diverged widely from his prepared comments. More

Dalai Lama shares thoughts on Islam, gun control
Dalai Lama arrives at California Capitol

VIDEO: Dalai Lama addresses joint session of California Legislature
Prayer for Orlando. Boisterous reception. Exiled Tibetan leader expected to discuss compassion, ethical leadership. This is his first visit to Sacramento (state capital) after plans for 2009 visit fell through. But the legislative address was closed to public. More
Tenzin Desel, 13, Tenzin Yega, 11, Tenzin Kunsang, 8, from El Cerrito wait to welcome the Dalai Lama at the Legislature in Sacramento, California (Scott Strazzante, The Chronicle).

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