Monday, June 13, 2016

Happy for Hillary? (comedy)

[Spirit of Jon Stewart] Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight); Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

(Redacted Tonight) [103] Corporate Media Has Complete Collapse Over Hillary Nomination, Hillary’s Lawsuit and More
Redacted TonightIn this episode (103) of "Redacted Tonight," host Lee Camp reveals video of lawyers who have proof that there was election fraud in California that could overturn the primary.

As the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton has benefited from voter disenfranchisement all over the country, while the insurgent candidate Bernie Sanders has been disadvantaged. 

Left Green Jill Stein, moderate Bernie?
Furthermore, the corporate mainstream media like MSNBC and CNN [as well as the AP and NBC] have been "all in" for Hillary from the start, which Lee Camp further exposes by showing that the media is rushing to crown Hillary the nominee.

(RT/Redacted Tonight, June 3, 2016, Ep. 102) Hillary’s potential jail
time superdelegates don’t matter, Monsanto may double in size

After the break, correspondent Naomi Karavani joins in to discuss the messed up situation happening in Louisiana right now where the state is so bankrupt that they can't afford to pay [public defenders] to represent poor people in a timely fashion. That's right, a cornerstone of our American values, habeas corpus, is going by the wayside! 

Whoever wins, we're still friends, right?
Then correspondent Carlos Delgado presents a segment about how Puerto Rico has been disenfranchised in this presidential primary, too.

Yes, Puerto Rico is a part of our primary process, because they're a territory of the US. It has 67 delegates. 

Finally, correspondent John F. O'Donnell rounds things out by giving Bernie Sanders supporters some perspective on the revolution.

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