Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mythology: Aztlan, Eden, Shambhala (video)

Flat Water Flat Earth; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
All cultures said the Earth was flat with a firmament, even Buddhist and ancient Indian-Vedic cosmology, except for the recent past promoted by NASA and its photoshopped maps and CGI.

Our flattened oblate spheroid Earth
The Earth is flat (contoured) and hollow and this is kept secret from us? Central to this conception is Buddhism's Mt. Sumeru (Meru, Sineru), drawn from much older Vedic sources. Even in Mexico today there is a place called Aztlan, like Eden (Aidenn) and Shambhala (Shangri-La) in Agartha (Inner Earth). Mythologies reveal what we are not allowed to know, what "official" consensus reality science and religion deny and deny until they admit it. Whatever the truth, we are being lied to. The Earth may not be flat, but it is certainly not the shape and dimensions NASA CGI tries to convince us. There is too much evidence to the contrary. What is being concealed and why?

Buddhist temple complexes are built in the form of our world-system or cakkavala: Mt. Meru at the center of Earth, space worlds, underworlds as depicted in Tibetan mandalas.
1911 postcard: Mythical Angkor has just been found by science under the jungle in Cambodia (Damian Evans/BBC.co.uk, June 12, 2016), the world's largest pre-industrial city built according to Buddhist cosmological map (Georges Groslier/wiki).

Mt. Sumeru (Meru)
G.P. Malalasekera (Dictionary of Pali Proper Names) edited by Wisdom Quarterly
Mt. Sumeru as magnetic lines
Mt. Meru (a.k.a. Sineru) is a mountain [more likely magnetic lines of force extending high from the poles and inner ocean into space], forming the center of the world. It is submerged in the sea to a depth of 84,000 yojanas [1 yojana=5, 7, or 10 miles] and rises above the surface to the same height. It is surrounded by seven mountain ranges [which may be hollow and contain the seven caves the Atzlan myth mentions]:
  1. 31 Planes of Existence
  2. Isadhara
  3. Karavīka
  4. Sudassana
  5. Nemindhara
  6. Vinataka
  7. Assakanna
(SNA.ii.443; Sp.i.119; Vsm.206; cp. Mtu.ii.300; Dvy.217; it is 80,000 leagues wide, A.iv.100).
Inner Earth opens at the poles (WS)
On the top of Mt. Meru [a kind of Mt. Olympus in ancient Greek mythology] is The Space World of the Thirty-Three or Tāvatimsa (SNA.ii.485f), while at its foot is the Asurabhavana [the world the Asuras, Titan or "fallen devas," were cast down onto, usually considered our human world on Earth] of 10,000 leagues; in the middle are the four great islands or continents (mahā-dīpā) with their 2,000 smaller dīpā. More

A Korean world map centered on legendary Mt. Meru (Mt. Sumeru) in Central Asia. The Eurocentric Mercator Map we all use inverts the world, so south is north (wiki).
Where is Aztlán?
Atzlan is inside the Earth, seven caves of Chicomoztoc (W)
(Nahuatl Aztlān) is the legendary ancestral home of the Aztec peoples. Aztecah is the Nahuatl word for "people from Aztlan." Nahuatl is the native language of Mexico, whereas Spanish is the language of the Conquistadors.

The place Aztlan is mentioned in several ethnohistorical sources dating from the colonial period (post invasion, European "contact"), and each of them give different lists of the different tribes who participated in the migration from Aztlan to Mesoamerica (Central America and Mexico).

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