Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sex at Stanford University (video)

There was once a banned t-shirt at UC Berkeley that read, "USC Sucks, Stanford Swallows." Before Stanford's current tree symbol, the football team used a bird, the kind that flies to Capistrano.

It's common to be assaulted at a frat party, at USC or anywhere across the nation, but if it's hardcore forcible rape you're looking for, consider Stanford. That's the impression we're left with as it's revealed that on average a coed willing to report it is raped every week and covered up by admin. What must the real number be?

Rapist Brock Allen Turner
A Stanford U. law professor has launched a campaign to recall the judge who sentenced white Stanford Univ. former student and sports star swimmer rapist Brock Allen Turner to six months in county jail.

This  sentence, rather than the two to 14 years in prison his felonies merited, has led to outrage because Turner was convicted of three felony counts for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.

Stanford alumni Judge Aaron Persky expressed concern a longer sentence would have "a severe impact" on poor rapist Turner. Under California law, Turner’s crime carries a minimum sentence of two years in prison.

Turner, a 20-y.o. Stanford student from Ohio, faced up to 14 years in prison for 2015 rape but white judge decided on a few months in county jail (©Scott Olson/Getty/AFP/file/DM).

(GMA) Mainstream U.S. media rides the outrage over one campus rape and a corrupt judge.
Because more than 13 million people have read the Stanford University victim’s letter, advocates see a "watershed" moment in resistance against our American rape culture.
Stanford jocks are stars not students.
But Stanford law professor Michele Landis Dauber says Judge Persky (who yesterday was re-elected to office after running unopposed) "really bent over backwards in order to give this defendant a very light sentence."

Democracy Now! speaks with Michele Landis Dauber and reads part of the powerful statement delivered in court by Turner’s victim, who has remained anonymous. It is going viral after BuzzFeed published it and it was read on CNN by Ashleigh Banfield:

Turner's mugshot. [Trust me, I wouldn't rape you, unless I was like drunk or something.]

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