Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fires rage in California as we surf (video)

Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; via; Vans US Open of Surfing
Hindu gods and goddesses are frequently seen in Mahayana Buddhist art (David Pham)
The US Open of Surfing runs until July 31; the Van Doren Invitational (Vans)
A hillside erupts in flame as a wildfire burns in Placerita Canyon on Monday. A raging wildfire that forced thousands from their homes on the edge of L.A. continued to burn out of control as residents were reluctant to evacuate, which made conditions more dangerous.
(Vans US Open of Surfing)
Multiple wildfires keep flaring up in drought-stricken Southern California. There is the ominous smoke coming from Santa Clarita. But here in L.A. we have a hill fire raging in Tujunga. Still we surf.

Most evacuations canceled for SoCal wildfire
SANTA CLARITA, California (AP) - The majority of some 20,000 people forced from their homes by a wildfire that exploded during the weekend were told they could return home Monday night, though an army of firefighters continued battling flames in the rugged hills and canyons northwest of Los Angeles.

Hey, did you guys hear there's like a fire over there? - Where? - I'dunno (Vans).
Residents of two neighborhoods still under threat had to remain out of their homes, the U.S. Forest Service said, after a day when the fire grew only slightly to about 55 square miles (142.26 sq. kilometers). So far 18 residences were confirmed destroyed in the blaze that started Friday afternoon and quickly tore through drought-ravaged brush that hadn't burned in decades. More

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