Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Buddhist LUCID DREAMING (documentary)

Charlie Morley (via Rinchen Dawa/; Amber Larson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Rinchen DawaLet's explore the secrets of lucid dreaming. We'll expand our consciousness beyond this waking state to access deeper understanding and higher realities.

This 45 minute SABC TV documentary was filmed at the Tara Rokpa Centre in South Africa over an August 2012 retreat. It features lucid dreaming teacher Charlie Morley, who invites all to retreats like this one.

Morley's book is available at Music: "Surface" von Alain Bergier, Frank Novon & Jim Harbourg (iTunes). This video was posted on the Rinchen Dawa channel courtesy of Charlie Morley, whose channel is CharlieMorley1.

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