Sunday, August 7, 2016

Voting the "lesser of two evils" is a lie (comedy)

Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight, Aug. 5, 2016); ATV; Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Harsh language in context like Jon Stewart on the Daily Show but without beeps.
(Acronym TV) Pres. candidate Jill Stein on Bernie Sanders and false "Lesser Evil" argument.

In this episode of Redacted Tonight, Lee Camp explains how the mainstream “liberal” pressure and shaming of free-thinkers to succumb to “voting for the lesser of two evils” is a sad and, ultimately, a doomed philosophy.

Camp also discusses how the Obama administration’s draconian treatment of whistleblowers has gotten to the point where it actually reflects the dystopian plot of the Joseph Heller novel, Catch-22.

TPP: "Trans-Pacific Partnership"
Finally, the mainstream media (MSM) is talking about the TPP: the massive 12-nation international trade deal that comprises nearly 40% of the world's commerce and is a huge giveaway to corporate interests at the expense of workers and environment. The news has finally caught on, but they won't say what TPP actually entails. The horse race between Hillary and Trump is more exciting than "NAFTA on steroids." Camp is joined by Redacted Tonight correspondents Naomi Karavani and John F. O'Donnell to discuss.

In light of the last officers involved in the Baltimore Police Department involved in the murder of Freddie Gray having all charges dropped, not because they're innocent but because the system is so corrupt and in favor of killer cops that no case is allowed to prevail, correspondent John F. O’Donnell discusses journalist Shaun King’s 25-part report on comprehensive, achievable solutions that will decrease police brutality in America.

Correspondent Naomi Karavani reveals the insanity of how extensively the U.S. is arming the entire world with weapons. She reveals how sick it is to say we’re peacekeepers when we’re arming all sides. This and more on Redacted Tonight.
  • FREE TICKETS live audience in DC: OTHER CITIES: RT tours live stand-up comedy. List of shows: 
(RT/Free & Equal/Hosts Christina Tobin and Thom Hartmann) After the first third-party presidential debate in 2012, RT is proud to host the final round of debates on. Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Dr. Jill Stein go head-to-head over foreign policy.

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