Monday, September 5, 2016

Bringing Buddhism to the U.S. (audio)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Mirabai Bush with Krista Tippett (
If I can find deep peace in the deep, maybe I can come up still and smiling (
Search Inside Yourself: Contemplation in Life and Work
Buddhist meditation teacher Mirabai Bush (Illuminations, Seva Foundation, The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society) works at an emerging 21st century intersection of industry, social healing, and diverse contemplative practices.

Raised [and now a recovering Roman] Catholic with Joan of Arc as her heroine, she is one of the people who brought Buddhism to the West from India in the 1970s.

She is called in to work with educators and judges, social activists [all at risk of burn out] as well as soldiers [coping with PTSD].

She helped create the search engine Google Inc’s popular employee program "Search Inside Yourself."

Bush’s life tells a fascinating narrative of our time: the rediscovery of contemplative practices, in many forms and from many traditions, in the secular thick of modern culture. More  (LISTEN)

Mirabai Bush
Mirabai Bush ( develops programs and practices through the application of contemplative principles and values to organizational life. She works with individuals and organizations for entrepreneurial project management, compassionate staff-board relations, organizational leadership, public relations, communication, networking, and strategic relationship building through the lens of contemplative practice in action. More

(Talks at Google) Meng (Chade-Meng Tan, who is very much neither funny nor clever the harder he tries to be) was one of the earliest engineers at Google Inc; co-founded Talks at Google to bring spiritual teachers in for Google employees; author of Search Inside Yourself.

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