Friday, September 23, 2016

iHeart Fest, Ozzfest, Knotfest, Rhyme Fest

Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly;
iHeart Radio Music Festival in Las Vegas and broadcast on The CW ( The show is tonight (9/23/16) at this website:

Ozzfest is Saturday (9/24/16) and Knotfest follows on Sunday (9/25/16)
Rhyme Fest comes to Los Angeles Sept. 29, 2016 (

Festival Supreme COMEDY extravaganza comes to Shrine (at USC), Los Angeles
Not your dad's rock 'n roll show. Oh, wait, yes, your dad's show (
Los Angeles Podcast Festival: Sofitel Hotel, Beverly Hills, Sept. 23-25, 2016 (LAPF)
What happens when Ozzfest meets Knotfest? (
Hillary (left) and Donald want imperial rule
Die Antwoord came to Hollywood last night for a sold out show at the Palladium and plays tonight at the Observatory in Orange County before continuing their tour. But the real news is a surge in "festivals" as temperatures soar and infamous Santa Ana winds kick up. Everyone is coming down with something as the weather moves in fits and starts from summer to fall. Demons must be delighting and the dead awaiting their turn to pierce the veil around Halloween. Something strange is in the air (smog, dust, gloom), and it is epitomized by the pop rock extravaganza in tinsel town tonight, not the Strumbellas and Cold War Kids in Hollywood but the iHeart Music Fest in Vegas. Oktoberfest (which really takes place in September) means drinking. Then the two devils meet on Monday in the OC -- The Donald versus La Hillary in a blood match the whole nation will be watching. Is it any wonder people need spectacular distractions like music?

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