Monday, October 3, 2016

A Religion for Atheists? (audio)

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Alain de Botton (, Krista Tippett (, Sept. 29, 2016)

That's hard to swallow! Do you have another philosophy I can choose, something sweeter?

A School of Life for Atheists
How dare you not believe! I smite thee!
Alain de Botton is a philosopher who likes the best of religion, but he doesn’t believe in "God."

He says that the most boring question you can ask of any religion is whether it is true. But how to live, how to die, what is good, and what is bad -- these are questions religion has sophisticated ways of addressing.

So he has created The School of Life where people young and old explore ritual, community, beauty, and wisdom. He explains why these ideas are not reserved just for believers. More + AUDIO

GUEST: Alain de Botton is the founder and chairman of The School of Life. His books include Religion for Atheists and How Proust Can Change Your Life. His newest book is a novel, The Course of Love.

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