Sunday, October 30, 2016

California's Catholic "missions" are haunted

Richard Senate, A Martinez (Take Two); Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Known for the annual return of swallows, Mission San Juan Capistrano has few birds now. They are gone. But a bird expert is trying to "'seduce" them back (Michael Juliano/KPCC).
Preta and Indian, Kali Puja, Bhuta College (wiki)
There are more than 20 imperial Spanish missions -- which served as U.S. concentration camps to ethnically cleanse, systematically molest, rape, and ruin Native Americans -- scattered throughout California, some dating back as far as 1769.

The genocide is ongoing. With almost 250 years of history, a lot of it tragic and gruesome, it's not a surprise that ghostly tales surround the aging missions.

Ghosts of the Calif. Missions
Take Two reserves judgment on whether anyone should believe in ghost stories [Petavatthu], but what better time to explore them than on Halloween?

A Martinez is joined by historian and self-proclaimed ghost hunter, Richard Senate. Senate talks about the violent history of the Catholic missions, some of the most spine-tingling stories and sightings, and his own personal experience with ghosts. 

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