Thursday, October 6, 2016

Catholic Church offers to pay for raping NY kids

Associated Press (via; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

NY archdiocese offers compensation to abuse victims
Clergy molestation stays "private"? (LPL)
NEW YORK, USA - Victims of [child molestation, homosexual rape, sodomy, sexual assault and misconduct, or the clean catchall term] clergy sex abuse willing to forego lawsuits against New York's Roman Catholic archdiocese can seek [hush money, prostitution-payments, reparations, or] compensation through a new church fund announced today [Oct. 6, 2016].

Catholic nuns molest children, too.
But any records of such abuse and what the church did about problem priests will remain private.

The program will be led by Kenneth Feinberg, who managed the federal compensation fund for Sept. 11 victims, with oversight by former New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly, among others.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the New York archbishop, said he created the fund because victims have said they need "a tangible sign of the church's outreach and sense of reparation."
"The wounds of many continue to fester, and they understandably tell us they await more compassion," said Dolan, flanked by Feinberg and Kelly, at a news conference in the archdiocese's Manhattan offices.

We should only pay this much because we only used two hands...and our genitals (AP).
The archdiocese announced the program at a time when victim advocates are pressing New York legislators to expand or temporarily abolish time limits on lawsuits over child sex abuse.

Who'll pay our legal bills?
In other states that have done away with those time limits, lawsuits filed by victims have forced church leaders to release thousands of internal church files revealing how bishops sheltered abusers.

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