Monday, October 3, 2016

Comedy: To hate mainstream candidates (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Susan Sarandon; Alec Baldwin, Kate McKinnon, Michael Che (SNL)

Love them all, Big Budai says.
Tax cheat Donald J. Trump clearly won the first debate, if only because candidate Clinton was so incredibly FAKE trying to avoid being shrill, dishonest, and unlikable. One has to hand it to her not to crack the veneer of her painted face. Way to go, #NeverHillary. The nation is sick and fed up with these idiots, being corralled and running in fear in whichever direction the mainstream media says to run. 

"Trump is a menace, a madman, so run to Hillary, a decrepit, sickly old blowhard dying of Parkinson's with failing clones that can hardly prop her up in front of the spotlight." She won't do interviews or press conferences to be asked anything, so how is she going to fake running the country? Blech. SNL to the rescue!

Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) face off in the first presidential debate, moderated by Lester Holt (Michael Che).

(AL) Clinton body double saga: Who was at the presidential debate?
(RNC) Sarandon says NO WAY to Hillary. Clinton backs fracking, Monsanto...

Vote the greater good: third party Jill Stein
Donald Trump, Dr. Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton: Three-way debate (
Jill not Hill. Stein is the Green Party's candidate for change Bernie S. could get behind.
Never Hillary, says Susan Sarandon
Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight "Extremism" in U.S.

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