Monday, October 31, 2016

Mindful Sexuality, Erotic Intelligence

Deborah Tull (; CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

We often leave our sexuality at the door when we enter a meditation retreat. Likewise we often leave mindfulness out of our sex life, creating an unnecessary division.

This retreat is an invitation to go beyond that duality and participate in a deep and vital exploration of the divide between sex and spirit, in ourselves and in the world-at-large.

This retreat will be held in the context of silence and will include meditation, writing, mindful inquiry, a Dharma talk, and facilitated group-discussion.

A safe space will be held for bringing compassionate awareness to our sex lives and for affirming erotic intelligence.

The retreat is open to people of every gender, sexual orientation, and relationship status.

You, too, can get lucky: play lotto.
COST: Sliding Scale: $35-$75, plus an offering of dana for the teacher. Please pay at the highest level you are able to afford to support Against the Stream programs and pay it forward for those who have less.
Scholarships and work-study are available. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

$100+ Monthly Supporters attend at no cost. You, too, can RSVP as a monthly supporter.
  • "Mindful Sexuality and Erotic Intelligence"
  • A Daylong Retreat with Deborah Eden Tull
  • Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016, 10:00 am-4:00 pm
  • Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society
  • 1001a Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, CA (parking nearby) More
Who is Deborah Eden Tull?
Deborah Eden Tull
Deborah Eden Tull is founder of Mindful Living Revolution. She teaches the integration of compassionate awareness into every aspect of our lives. She is a Zen meditation and mindfulness (vipassana) teacher, public speaker, author, activist, and sustainability consultant. She spent seven years as a Buddhist nun at a silent monastery and teaches "Engaged Dharma" practice nationally. See more at

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