Monday, December 5, 2016

Dakota Access STOPS at Standing Rock (video)

Wisdom Quarterly;; Amy Goodman, Dave Archambault II (
With DA trying to throw case in favor of killer cop, mistrial may be good sign (See below)
He saved us from Hillary to throw us to the billionaires, which she wanted to do (AP).

S6 wells fargo protestors split
"Disaster": Could DAPL lose its contracts?
In a historic win for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota and the environment, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied Energy Transfer Partners  Corporation, the company behind the pipeline, a permit to drill underneath Lake Oahe on the Missouri River -- officially halting construction on the Dakota Access pipeline.

S4 standing rock protectorsThe project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota, members of more than 200 indigenous nations from across the Americas and thousands of their non-Native allies -- all concerned the pipeline’s construction will destroy sacred Sioux sites and that a pipeline leak could contaminate the Missouri River, which serves as a water supply for millions. We get reaction from Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II. More

The outgoing, lame duck Obama Administration just announced that the Army Corps of Engineers has denied the final permit needed by Dakota Access to complete construction of the pipeline.

The corporation, Energy Transfer Partners, says they don't need no stinking permit and are moving forward like this never happened.

Obama also ordered a "review" of the route and a full EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) be conducted if the company still intends to move forward with the project -- and with Trump's help, they do.

In the meantime, this is a major victory for the Indigenous-led Water Protectors at Standing Rock and all allies who will continue to stand with them to fight this oil pipeline that is trampling sovereign rights, abusing eminent domain for private gain, and threatening our land, water, and climate. [A pipeline like this easily gets thousands of leaks a year, and a major catastrophic spill is always a danger.]
Thanks for continuing to stand with us.

- Jane Kleeb and the Bold Alliance team and Wisdom Quarterly
Reporter charged for reporting news: Amy Goodman tells CNN the media has responsibility to cover Standoff at Standing Rock...
Dn in the newsOn Sunday, before the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied the Dakota Access pipeline company a permit to drill underneath the Missouri River, Amy Goodman spoke with media correspondent Brian Stelter on CNN’s "Reliable Sources" about covering months of resistance by Native Americans and their allies against the $3.8 billion pipeline. 
S3 remy vets splitDec. 05, 2016: As Thousands of Vets Descend on Standing Rock, U.S. Army Backs Down and Halts Pipeline Construction
S6 wells fargo protestors split
A panel of one black and 11 white jurors -- who had seemed close to a verdict to convict Friday, with apparently only one holdout -- said Monday they were unable to reach a unanimous decision after deliberating more than 22 hours over four days.
"We as a jury regret to inform the court that despite the best efforts of all parties we are unable to come to a unanimous decision," said Circuit Judge Clifton Newman, reading a note from the jury before declaring a mistrial.
Former patrolman Michael Slager was charged with murder in the April 4, 2015, shooting death of 50-year-old Walter Scott. The judge had said the jury could also consider a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter.
Cellphone video taken by a bystander that showed Scott being shot in the back five times was shown widely in the media and on the internet and shocked the country, inflaming the national debate about how blacks are treated by law enforcement officers. More

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