Friday, January 20, 2017

Women's March on DC: Los Angeles (video)

Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Emiliana Guereca, Deena Katz (; (Sisters Marches); AP
(Women's March) We stand together in solidarity with our partners, friends, and children for the protection of women's rights, safety, health, and families -- recognizing that vibrant and diverse female communities are the strength of our country. 

Go or donate to support the movement.
Come out and join Hollywood celebrities in DTLA, downtown Los Angeles. Or there are plenty of sister marches all over the country -- one near you!

The "Los Angeles Sister March" of the Women's March on Washington, D.C. is a rain-free event on Saturday (Jan. 21st) held in the love and light of unity and inclusivity.

Do it, do it, do it!
Women and men are representing the west coast for everyone marching in Washington, D.C. and across the nation and even the world.

This will be done as only Los Angeles can do it -- putting our unique stamp and positive spirit on a movement that is sweeping across the globe.

The Women's March on Washington in Los Angeles will be an event like no other, providing community, positivity, and inclusion at a time when such values are most needed and more important than ever.

Make the commitment to stand with the LA community. Save the date, share with friends, make plans to be part of this extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime experience. More
  • The Women’s March LA (with male allies)
  • Pershing Square, 532 South Olive St., L.A., CA 90013
  • Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Women's March on Washington, Jan. 21, 2017 (

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