Monday, February 27, 2017

Brit model Jodie Marsh goes sex free (video)

Olivia-anne Cleary (; CC Liu, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Jodie, know why you don't want sex? Ask Dr. Mate. What about the Grand Canyon?
"Stop"? I don't get it! What is it now?!
The former glamour model -- who likes both men and women -- has openly talked about her sexual appetite in the past, but she has now taken a drastic turn.
Speaking at a National Student Pride event at the University of Westminster this past weekend, Marsh stunned the young audience by claiming that she's lost all interest in anything sex-related.
Opening up to the crowd, she revealed: "Honest truth? I am asexual right now. I don’t want sex with anybody. I’m not interested in sex with anybody."
Explaining her new outlook, Marsh admitted she is going through somewhat of an identity crisis. More + VIDEO

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