Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Talking to "God" Ram Dass in 2017 (video)

Koi Fresco, Feb. 23, 2017; Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Koi FrescoOur new favorite head, Koi Fresco (or "fresh goldfish"), was in Ojai, California recently on a retreat with GOD (someone at one with para-Brahman).

Via Skype, of course, because GOD doesn't have time to be everywhere all the time like his/her reputation would suggest. Koi is no longer a Hesher, having given up the herb, so with a clear mind and a pure heart, he went in search of darshan and found it in the company of groovy 1960s' Western guru Ram Dass's (former Harvard Professor Richard Alpert), now 85-years-old, author of the famous Hippie-Hindu-Buddhist classic Be Here Now. Here Koi sends in a video report.

I Talked to God! (My Conversation with an Enlightened Being) Baba Ram Dass 
Thank you to Hanuman Gardens Ashram/Farm and the entire Be Here Now Network for this life-changing experience.

Hanuman Gardens Ashram and Permaculture Farm, Ojai, California (hanumangardens.com)

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