Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bikes take over Los Angeles (video); Pat Macpherson, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
"More Class Less Gas" reads back of nude bike bicyclist as bikes swarm (
(Bike San Gabriel Valley) Gabe the Sasquatch makes a commercial to save our environment. Did you know the mountains and foothills of Los Angeles had Sasquatches? Well, they do. Or did. Look it up. There have even been sightings and interactions on the Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Monica Beach, the L.A. Freeway's dumping ground. But this is about bikes.

Get out of your car. Use some renewable "alternative" power -- like these legs and feet. Walk safely on the streets of L.A., at least on a 17 mile stretch of our megalopolis' second valley alongside the San Gabriel foothills and the Angeles National Forest recovering from an artificial drought that has killed countless trees and led to a beetle infestation.

Buddhist monks bike (
Meet Mayor of the San Gabriel Mountains, # Gabe The Sasquatch, on event day! Get a selfie with him! You'll be able to find him at the # 626 Golden Streets Opening Ceremony adjacent to the South Pasadena Gold Line Train Station on Mission Street at 8:30 am. More

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