Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Women's Strike: Day Without Women

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly;  INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY
FEMEN has a different way of calling attention to women's causes in E.U. (
( Los Angeles: A look back at 2016 and ahead to the coming year. The Global Women's Strike/LA and Women of Color/GWS look back at the year drawing to a... 
  • Women Strike: March 8th, 2017, JOIN US ( Join the International Women's Day strike for women's freedom and dignity, Wednesday March 8th, 2017. 
  • International Women's Strike ( The International Women's Strike on March 8th, 2017 is a day of action... In the spirit of solidarity and internationalism, in the US it will be a day of action organized by and for women [and male allies]... Events
Women go on strike in US to show their economic clout (Associated Press/
The Women's Strike and the Messy Space of Change (Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker) ...To[day] is the Women's Strike, the fourth of ten actions that have been...for instance, in the [Tribune-owned, deceptively conservative] LA Times, has predicted that the strike... 

I'm a bad role model, armed, but I'm iconic.
Sexist outrage and betrayal by female writer at LA Times: "A Day Without a Woman" is a strike for privileged protesters... Organized by the groups behind the stunningly successful Women's March in January, the strike, according to the website, seeks to recognize...

My sign is more clever than yours, so we should date. Women's March on Washington (AP)

Women, children, and allies give us a Day Without Women (

Fathers support mothers' rights.
Day Without Women: Organizers Explain Strike on March 8 ( Women's March organizers explain the inspiration behind the "Day ... Ducey, who lives in Los Angeles, is an actor, part-time restaurant... 

Women's March Organizers Announce "Day Without A Woman" (KTLA) ...The organizers of the Women's March on Washington have set the date of March 8th for the Global Women's Strike/Day Without Women... The group previously announced their plan for a general strike but didn't...thousands gather in downtown for women's march Los Angeles... 

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