Thursday, April 20, 2017

"American Indian Airwaves" - Standing Rock

American Indian Airwaves (; Xochitl, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Los Angeles has the largest Native American population in the world, many unidentified.

The Los Angeles Basin is home to many Native American tribes the government ignores.
LA's Pacifica Radio is an excellent outlet for American Indian Airwaves (KPFK FM)
(Rebroadcast from March 9, 2017 because KPFK did not archive program and listeners demanded access)
"The Scales of Injustice: How Over 800 Water Protectors are Struggling for Legal Representation and Fairness” 
Brandy Toelupe (Hawaiian Nation) J.D., president of the Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC) is an on-the-ground legal team for the ceremonial resistance camps at Standing Rock, North Dakota.
WPLC maintains a presence on-site and provides legal advocacy, jail and court support, criminal defense, and civil and human rights protection to the Native peoples and their allies gathered there. 
Brandy Toelupe joins AIA for the first segment of this episode to highlight the struggles of providing legal representation and ensuring legal fairness for all of the 800+ Water Protectors who have been arrested and charged in the past six months in and around the Standing Rock Sioux Nation.

As tensions increased, Water Protectors were eventually apprehended by various police state officers and charged with different crimes while protecting water and Mother Earth from Energy Transfer Partners Dakota Access Pipeline. 
Other issues covered in the interview include: the implications of Water Protectors being charged with state and/or federal crimes, militarization of the region and its impact on Water Protectors legal situations, Treaty Rights, the right to legal representations, state-court interference and influence on the Water Protectors legal counsel, the attempt to provide legal representation for all Water Protectors, plus a lot more.   

PART 2: Native Nations Rise Camp, March on DC
Aldo Seone (Yoeme) is aiding the Native Nations Rise Camp and March on DC ( Aldo Seone joins AIA for this segment to discuss some of the logistics, organizations behind the march, reasons for international action, and more.
American Indian Airwaves regularly broadcasts Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 pm PCT) on KPFK FM 90.7 in Los Angles, FM 98.7 in Santa Barbara, FM 99.5 China Lake, FM 93.7 North San Diego, WCRS FM 98.3/102.1 in Columbus, Ohio, and worldwide on the Internet @  Missed shows for the past 60 days can be accessed at:

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