Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Shape of our universe: Human PLANE (video)

Adidia G, 4-30-17; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Shocking! Edge of Flat Earth found!
Worlds Beyond the Poles
This video -- with a clip from Admiral Byrd's discovery of an enormous landmass beyond the South Pole -- is inspired by F. Amadeo Gianinni's book Worlds Beyond The Poles.

It provides shocking revelations of the earth beyond the Antarctica. It explains where "the edge" of our flat earth is and leaves no doubt whatsoever.

(Amazon) Enclosed within the pages of Worlds Beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe is the first and only real description of our universe composed of land, water, air, and vegetation, where human, animal, and other forms of life abound.

This is a work of nonfiction rather than a technical analysis. It is an easy-to-understand recital of fact that transcends the most elaborate fictions ever conceived.

The human plane is a plane -- a continuous series of worlds beyond the "poles."
It presents the first understanding of the demonstrable, factual, and endless universe, which contains human life throughout its vast length and width, regardless of all abstract "theory" to the contrary.

It is the view of the author that our earth is "flat" (a plane) [as described in Buddhist cosmology where our world or the manussa loka is the "human plane" with many worlds rather than a single planet] and stationary as the Bible also depicts it to be. It includes original illustrations. More
The Human World (manussa loka)
Buddhist cosmology (Wikipedia edit by Wisdom Quarterly)
Birth in this plane results from the karma (action) of giving and moral discipline of middling quality, having maintained for some time the Five Precepts at a minimum.
This is the realm of moral choice where destiny can be guided. The Khana Sutra mentions that this plane (loka) is a unique balance of pleasure and pain. It facilitates the development of ethics and virtue (sila) and wisdom to liberate oneself from the endless cycle or rebirths.
For this reason rebirth as a human being is considered rare and precious, as explained in the Chiggala Sutra. In the Cula Kamma Vibhanga Sutra ("The Shorter Analysis of Karma"), the Buddha taught that:

Killing others leads to shortened life if one is reborn in the human plane rather than the four lower Planes of Deprivation. By abandoning the acts of harming and killing, one may be reborn in a better world, the human or in one of many celestial planes. If, however, one is reborn again in the human plane, one will be endowed with longevity.
Injuring living beings can lead to rebirth in the Planes of Deprivation. Alternatively, if one comes back to the human plane, one will be very sickly. Harmlessness or non-injury leads to rebirth in fortunate destinations. Alternatively, if one comes back to the human plane, one will enjoy good health. The same goes for the following:
  • Beautiful or ugly human rebirth depends on whether one has an irritable character in this and/or previous human lives.
  • Influential or ordinary human rebirth depends on whether one is envious of the gain and honor received by others in this and/or previous human lives.
  • Rich or poor human rebirth depends on whether one is generous to others (able to let go), such as providing the requisites of people exerting themselves spiritually, in this present and/or previous human lives.
See also the Janussonin Sutra.

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