Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan (video)

Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; IADC in Bamiyan; Wise Up
Not Colorado but the seven lakes of Amir Dam, Bamiyan, Afghanistan (IADC/WQ)

(Italian Agency for Development Cooperation IADC) Afghanistan: "Bamiyan Land of Light"
Early Buddhists repurposed ancient statues built by a technologically advanced culture.

Click to enlarge for extraordinary detail: The Buddhas of the real Kapilavastu, Bamiyan Valley at the foothills of the Himalayan range now known as the Hindu Kush (wiki).
Treasures of Mes Aynak, Afghanistan
Madame Blavatsky,* a Western Buddhist who founded the Theosophical Society that attempts to gather the great wisdom of many religions, gave her own reading of the vast age and significance of the Bamiyan Buddhas of Afghanistan.

(According to Indian historian Ranajit Pal, the Buddha was born and grew up in Bamiyan, ancient Scythia or Shakya Land, now formerly Buddhist Afghanistan -- home of the world's largest human images of the historical Buddha). What can an examination of the remains of the CIA/ISI's "Taliban" destruction of these sacred structures reveal about their mysterious origins?

They were demolished to outrage the world and serve as a pretext for the USA/CIA to invade and occupy Afghanistan for profit.

Wise Up gives an analysis (in "Hiding in Plain Sight") of the forbidden archeology relating to the larger Buddha statue built into the mountainside. Fortunately, the largest remains buried in the "reclining into nirvana" pose, although National Geographic made an excellent film documenting its existence.

Foot paddle boats launching from the shore of Amir Dam, Bamiyan, Afghanistan (IADC)
Afghanistan is a world of wonders, home of the Buddha, being destroyed by the U.S.
Afghanistan: The Great Buddha Statue of the Bamiyan Valley, 1972 (
*Blavatsky the Buddhist
After a tour of northwestern India, the Founders [Madame Blavatsky and others] returned to Bombay and started, in October, 1879, their first Theosophical Journal, The Theosophist (still published today), with H.P. Blavatsky as editor. The society experienced then a rapid growth, and some very remarkable people were attracted to it both in India and elsewhere. During May-July, 1880 the Founders spent some time in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), where [American] Colonel Olcott laid the foundations for his later work to stimulate the revival of Buddhism. They both took [the Five Precepts and] became officially Buddhists. More

When restored to its original glory, it would overlook the crossroads of East and West.

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