Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The first "Robot Priest": BlessU-2 (video)

TheSun.co.uk; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly  UPDATED

BlessU-2 has lights in its palms and a blessing checkout in its touch screen abdomen
You did what?! Does not compute!!
[Indulgences, get your indulgences! Cash only.] A ROBOT priest that hands out blessings like a cash machine has b unveiled in Germany. [This is not the first time because one amazing automaton was created and deployed five centuries ago, but it didn't talk or pray like this one. How far are we from the electric monks mentioned by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?]

[You will bow before your Robot Overlords in the name of your celestial God!]
"Big [Father] is watching"! - 1984
BlessU-2 delivers words “inspired by God” in five different languages, in a male or female voice. BlessU-2 has lights in its palms and a blessing checkout in its touch screen abdomen. Simply select the blessing you’re after on its touch screen, and the machine will raise its hands in prayer [like a crazed father-god madman for the patriarchy]. Light emits from its hands as it asks the Almighty’s face to “shine upon you” and “show you mercy.” Its mouth moves and its eyes rotate as it spins divine affirmations.

Its unfortunate eyebrow movement ruins the effect somewhat [giving the robot a stern YHWH complex], with the mechanical brow jerking around from looking warm and welcoming to being  [pissed and] utterly menacing.
Once it’s all over, there’s the option to print a receipt of the blessing for your future records [in case your supervisor demands proof of your whereabouts during lunch].

Pope Francis is renowned for his love of technology – but robots might be a step too far for the Catholic Church
This is B.S. This machine must be Catholic!
BlessU-2 is being presented to church-goers in the town of Wittenberg, Germany, which is more closely associated with Martin Luther and the birth of Protestantism.
Half a millennium later, the bot has been introduced to spark debate about religion and the role of artificial intelligence in society.
“We wanted people to consider if it is possible to be blessed by a machine, or if a human being is needed,” Stephan Krebs of the Protestant Church behind the initiative, told the Guardian. Technology is taking over religious ceremonies in Britain, too. More +  VIDEO

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