Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My breasts are TOO big! (photos)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; The Daily Telegraph, Australia (7/3/17); EmRata (Instagram/SI)

This is no laughing matter nor anything to gawk at. What if your boobs were big? Can you imagine being famous, beautiful, and gawked at? We didn't think so.

As the Buddha taught, even when you get everything you want and ever wished for, there's still suffering (disappointment, dissatisfaction, radical lack of fulfillment).

‘My boobs are too big’: Emily Ratajkowski’s reason she can’t get work
Are they too big?
BUSTY model and actor [future stand-alone brand]  Emily Ratajkowski wants to get something off her chest.
The 26-year-old, who rose to fame with a starring role in Robin Thicke’s 2013 hit "Blurred Lines," told an Australian magazine this week that she’s isn’t scoring as much work as she’d like to because of the size of her breasts.

Emily Ratajkowski wants to get more work, but she says people don’t like her “big boobs.”
Ratjkowski (emrata/instagram)
“There’s this thing that happens to me: ‘Oh, she’s too sexy,’” she told Harper’s Bazaar Australia.

“It’s like an anti-woman thing, people don’t want to work with me because my boobs are too big.

“What’s wrong with boobs? They’re a beautiful, feminine thing that needs to be celebrated. Like, who cares?” she continued. More + VIDEO 
But I should be happy
Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
There is a worldwide boob industry worth billions in annual sales for everything from beer to bras, bikinis to cars, self-esteem to plastic surgery, magazines, ad nauseum (si.com).

Dukkha is a terrible thing, so terrible it sent the young, handsome Prince Siddhartha out of Central Asia into India to "find himself," to discover an "end to suffering. The solution to the problem of suffering can only be understood and appreciated by understanding how serious and deep the problem is. That is exactly what we will not ordinarily do.

But when suffering gets so bad, it is possible that we might actually listen and open internally to what we fear. The Buddha gave the problem and solution in the form of an ancient Indian physician, according to the ancient medical model of the day:
  1. There is a problem: diagnosis
  2. There is a cause: etiology
  3. There is (or is not) a solution: prognosis
  4. There is a course of treatment: prescription
Ahh, nirvana transcends it all!
The problem is disappointment, the inability to be fulfilled by anything. There is a cause, craving (supported by delusion and aversion). There is a solution to this peculiar disease (nirvana, the end of all suffering, rebirth, and craving or the beginning of all peace, ease, and fulfillment). There is a course of treatment, a prescribed set of eight factors (known as the ennobling or enlightening Eightfold Path). You have just learned a deeper meaning of The Four Noble Truths.

How to be happy
How can I be happy and satisfied?
So the practical upshot of this is, If Emily Ratajkowski (pronounced radi-cow-ski) is not happy -- with all of her fame, riches, youth, beauty, and influence -- how are we going to be? Well, there is a way, a Middle Way. Emily will lose all five. They are already dwindling away. We will lose them. So what can we keep? Enlightenment is permanent.

Nirvana is the supreme realization
Inquire within.
Nirvana -- being neither a place, "thing," nor nothingness -- is unending. It is called the Unconditioned Element because, unlike all of the conditioned (composite) things we are familiar with, it alone is different. At one time the Buddha (then only a Bodhisattva) asked, If I [all the transitory things that  are clung to as "self"] am impermanent, unsatisfactory, and impersonal, why do I chase after things that are also impermanent, unsatisfactory, and impersonal? It would be better to go after something higher, something lasting, something liberating. He found it when he became enlightened and thereby came to be called the "Awakened One."

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