Sunday, July 23, 2017

How not to be killed by police (video)

RT; TYT;; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Vulgar display of power, cowardice, and abuse of human life by multiple police officers! Also contains foul language from murderer. (RT) A Minnesota [DA threw the case so that a] jury found St. Anthony killer cop and coward Jeronimo Yanez not guilty in the 2016 killing of innocent motorist Philando Castile. The aftermath of the deadly shooting was live-streamed on Facebook by Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, which is why it received national attention. Days after the verdict, never-before-seen dashcam footage was released, showing Castile telling Officer Yanez about the firearm and confirming that he would not reach for it prior to being shot to death by Yanez anyway., RT-America-air

The view from inside

(TYT) Killer Jeronimo Yanez killed innocent motorist Philando Castile during a questionable traffic stop for a broken taillight. Castille was, after all, "driving while black."

The passenger, Diamond Reynolds, live streamed video on her phone from the next seat as he died after being shot to death without provocation other than exiting the blind fear of Officer Yanez by being black and talking about a gun, as Officer Yanez held his deadly firearm in Castille's face, while another armed and trained officer stood behind to make sure he was killed if a fight broke out.

Reynolds' 4-year-old daughter was in the backseat and was lucky to escape being shot to death. Both Reynolds and her daughter would almost certainly have been murdered as swell, except that Officer Yanez emptied his gun into the innocent driver. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

“As Philando Castile's head slumps backward while he lies dying next to her, Diamond Reynolds looks into the camera and explains a Minnesota police officer just shot her fiancĂ© four times.
“The nation is, by now, accustomed to grainy cell phone videos of officer-involved shootings, but this footage from Falcon Heights, outside Minneapolis, is something different, more visceral: a woman live-streaming a shooting's aftermath with the police officer a few feet away, his gun still trained on her bloody fiancĂ©.

“He let the officer know that he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm," Reynolds said as she broadcast the Wednesday evening shooting on Facebook.” More
Arizona tells armed drivers how to avoid deadly police stops
Pull over or we'll shoot anyway.
PHOENIX - Gun-friendly Arizona is trying to avoid deadly encounters between [fear-filled] police and people [on the receiving end while] behind the wheel by teaching armed drivers how they should handle themselves when they are pulled over.

Shoot anybody who might have a gun.
Arizona, which allows residents to carry weapons without permits, recently changed its driving rule book in a bid to avoid confrontations such as the one [where a fearful patrolman] killed Philando Castile. The Minnesota motorist, who had a gun permit [but made the mistake of driving while black], was fatally shot during a 2016 traffic stop after telling a [trigger-happy] officer he was armed. 
  • [Minnesota admitted wrongdoing implicitly by paying off the murdered motorist's family but then murdered a meditation teacher standing next to a police car she had called because the officer got jittery while sitting in the passenger seat and, allegedly, hearing a "loud noise," according to the driver, who by being the driver is also guilty of murder under current law. But the shooter will not explain why he shot the woman to death in a case that continues to reverberate because she was white and New Age and he was black and Muslim. The female police chief has stepped down in response.]
Quick, shoot! He looks black, I mean armed.
Arizona is among a small number of states instructing drivers on what to expect during traffic stops. It appears to be the first to use its driving rules to address situations in which motorists are armed.

Democratic state Rep. Reginald Bolding said Castile's death inspired him to seek changes to the state's driver's manual. He said the revisions were necessary because Arizona does not require gun permits and some owners have not been trained to handle firearms.
Don't shoot, guys! Let's beat him for a while.
"The goal was to create a set of standards," Bolding said. The new edition of the driver's manual, published about a month ago, advises drivers with guns to keep their hands on the steering wheel during traffic stops and tell officers right away that there's a firearm in the car.

It also tells drivers not to reach for anything inside the vehicle without getting permission first [and even then move really slowly because a cop with a gun does not need an excuse to shoot with impunity].

But, don't worry, the DA will get him acquitted.
And officers can take possession of guns, [out of fear and] for safety reasons, until the stop is completed. [Police will decide when it's completed.] The firearms would [or should but maybe won't] be returned [even] if no crime has been committed.
No white males on this force
Lawmakers in Tennessee, Virginia, and Illinois have enacted laws over the last year that require driver education courses to teach people how to react when they are pulled over. [Police training procedures will remain the same.] Unlike the guidelines published in Arizona, none of the laws explicitly mentions what to do when armed motorists are stopped. More

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