Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"My Dad Wrote a PORNO" - Trump? (audio)

Jamie Morton (comedy.co.uk); Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Wait, daddy! - Hey, Ivan, I paid for your sex reassignment surgery. I'll grab your... It's mine.

Wait, Trump did what?!

Kathy Griffin could give the Don head...
Can you imagine? We can. The filth! The obscenity! Trump could call it Grab 'Em By the P..., Confessions of a Serial Harasser, Molester and Pee Lover, or Have You Been Eating Cheetos or Poppa? because of the synthetic orange powder all over Ivan(ka) and Barron.* Fifty Shades of Orange?

(*Don's predatory incest is plausible enough to have been a joke on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me this weekend that everyone understood).

You made the bargain, Don. - I did, Steve.
Trump's favorite son is his daughter Ivan(ka) who was possibly born with an anomaly and is transgender and has gone through a great deal of feminizing plastic surgery, rhinoplasty and breast augmentation to look more like a convincing transgender female, having been born a tall boy with an anomaly. What about her three children? Fake pregnancy, not hers. "Podesta the Molesta" probably extends invitations to Jared and other Trump courtiers to eat pizza.
Now why would effeminate Jared Kushner be allowed to marry into the family and its fortune? Jared understood and was willing to accept their "special relationship" and the fact that Father Donald would need constant access to Ivan(ka).

Surely, Kushner's in it for the money and to avenge his crooked father's shame. The only one unresponsive to sexual attention is long-suffering Melania, who reports say was a call girl, so she would understand philandering and her trophy status, the good wife.

I'm a man, I'm all man. Just ask my sons.
Dick Gregory says Pres. Donald Trump is a pedophile and gay. That would explains why gays are just about the only group he never talks against. He's a cruel and sexist bully who loves to mock and belittle and demean everyone else in perverse ways. But not gays, the favorite target of heterosexual males.

This would explain why he's banning all transgenders from serving in the military. Maybe he's trying to keep them from harm

My Dad Wrote A Porno returns with erotic vengeance
When Jamie Morton first started reading his father’s erotic fiction out loud to his friends on the podcast My Dad Wrote A Porno, it almost seemed cruel.

The book, Belinda Blinked, follows a sales representative for a business called Pots And Pans who finds herself using her feminine wiles across the world to secure clients.

The chapters are filled with outrageous sex scenes described with such anatomically correct terms that the result is more hilarious than salacious. 

Not written by Don Trump.
But poking fun at an old man’s hard work, his passion project, wouldn’t have made for a sustainable podcast -- so it was lucky that Morton’s father (known by his pen name, Rocky Flintstone) basked in the exposure given to his novel and continued writing for the listening audience.

Morton and his friends James Cooper and Alice Levine are now on the third book in the series, and by the second chapter it’s clear that Flintstone has not only imagined new sexual acts.

He truly found his voice as an entertainer and author without losing any of the charm of the podcast’s original gimmick. Don’t forget to look up the Belinda drinking game before listening. More

My Dad Wrote A Porno
A series in which Jamie Morton reads out chapters from the erotic books his 60 year-old dad has written. He's joined by his friends James Cooper and Alice Levine. More

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