Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Pale Ink": Ancient China explored America

Henriette Mertz, Pale Ink (1972), Gavin Menzies (; Christopher Nyerges (School of Self Reliance); Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Reader book reviews
(Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars)
(December 9, 2012) I'm still reading but am enjoying the thought-provoking information in the book. Why, when the information in this book has been available for years, is this information generally hidden away?

(March 10, 2014) This book met my critical needs of information about early Chinese travelers to America in ancient written records. Expecting more studies.

(May 8, 2015) Great. A must read if interested in history.

(January 23, 2013) Oh my! This book is long and really a great challenge. Makes me re-look at what I thought thanks again.

(October 24, 2007) Very interesting. Since I live and travel in the Western U.S., I find this book very interesting. I think it goes hand-in-hand with 1421: The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies. It's time for historians to open their minds more to explorers other than those coming from western Europe. More

1421: The Year China Discovered America
Gavin Menzies (
On March 8, 1421 the largest fleet the world had ever seen set sail from China to "proceed all the way to the ends of the earth to collect tribute from the barbarians beyond the seas."

When the fleet returned home in October 1423, the Chinese emperor had fallen, leaving China in political and economic chaos.

The great ships were left to rot at their moorings, and the records of their journeys were destroyed.

Lost in the long, self-imposed Chinese isolation that followed was the knowledge that Chinese ships had reached America 70 years before Columbus and had circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan.

And they [and Buddhism] colonized America before the Europeans [and Christianity], transplanting the principal economic crops that have since fed and clothed the world. More

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