Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Saving the Galapagos Islands from Western ruin

National Public Radio (; Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Special Series
The Galapagos are under threat by humans. Invasive species (such as non-native goats) are endangering the Galapagos' native wildlife, after Westerners (i.e., the Spanish and English) invaded and began to extract "resources" such as whales to enrich Europe.
Galapagos Used by Both Sides of Evolution Debate
Scientists inspired by Charles Darwin's observations about natural selection have long found support for the theory of evolution in the Galapagos Islands. But creationists and intelligent design proponents also use the Galapagos to advance their view of the origin of species.


Fisherman, Conservationists at Odds in Galapagos
In the Galapagos Islands, conservationists say marine life is being depleted while fishermen say their livelihoods are at stake. But a boost in tourism may provide a compromise.

Common Intruders Threaten Galapagos Species
Common species of blackberries, goats and red ants are endangering the survival of far rarer flora and fauna native to the Galapagos Islands. The dire effects of such an invasion were foreseen by Charles Darwin. 

Galapagos Plants, Wildlife Under Threat
The Galapagos Islands are home to some of the world's rarest flora and fauna. But the wildlife that inspired naturalist Charles Darwin's theory of evolution are threatened by humans and invasive species.

Galapagos Island Info
A trip to the Galapagos Islands would be the journey of a lifetime. Located 1,000 km from the Ecuadorian mainland, the archipelago consists of 13 major islands, five of which are inhabited. Find out more about the famous islands by taking a virtual trip!
The island's interesting volcanic geology as well as its rich flora and fauna have been admired and studied by numerous travelers, scientists, and nature-lovers. Scientists are still faced with the mystery of how such a large diversity of species could develop in a remote location like the Galapagos Islands.
The main reason for tourists and nature lovers to visit the Galapagos Islands is the multitude of animals, freely romping about that are known to most people only from the Discovery Channel.
If interested in who first set foot on the islands -- whether it was the Incas, refugees, pirates, or seafarers -- find out more about the human history of the islands. Speaking of people on the islands, Charles Darwin was one of the first to visit as he was fascinated by the natural history of the archipelago. His five-week stay gave him the impetus to develop his famous and controversial Theory of Evolution.
The Galapagos Islands are blessed with pleasant weather all year round, so there is no “best” time to visit this precious place. However, consider factors such as high season versus low season and the climate.

Whether the trip is for yourself, group, or family, check out when to go to the Galapagos Islands. More

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