Friday, July 14, 2017

"Sri Lanka Day" in Pasadena, July 15

Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Dr. W. Jayasinghe, Sri Lanka Foundation (
Sri Lanka Day is on Saturday, July 15, 2017 in the City of Pasadena (
Sinhalese Sri Lankan women in traditional colorful dresses and saris (
FESTIVAL SITE DETAILS (MAP), The Paseo, 280 E. Colorado Bl., Pasadena, CA 91101
Ancient artificial bridge to India
[Sinhalese] Sri Lankans often refer to themselves as “Lions” or “The Lion Nation.” One of the reasons they do so is due to the obvious lion symbol on the country’s flag.

[A better reason is that singha means lion, and other non-Buddhist people on the island call themselves Tamil tigers, infamous for their separatist inclinations.]
  • (FREE) Sri Lanka Day, Pasadena
  • Food and Cultural Fair
  • Saturday, 10:00 AM-11:00 PM, July 15
  • 280 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena 91101
    Thousands of years of Buddhism
    The other reason is less known but much more meaningful. The lion has frequently been linked to words such as courageous and proud. The Sri Lanka Foundation is a foundation dedicated to the preservation of Sri Lankan culture. It strives to exhibit courage and pride in their charitable work and events.
    • Sri Lanka ("Sacred Land") is famous as a citadel of early Buddhist teachings preserved in the Pali language from India and Scythia (Gandhara and northwestern hinterlands around Afghanistan where the Buddha was born and first promulgated the Dharma). Sri Lankan Buddhists, in their recorded history called the Mahavamsa or "Great Chronicles" speak of coming from that land by boat to settle Sri Lanka. They are not Dravidians from South India like the neighboring Tamils of Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state in India.
    One of the foundation’s most significant events is “Sri Lanka Day.” Every year the foundation works diligently to bring the sights, tastes, colors, and the general feel of Sri Lanka to spectators who gather in one location from all over California.

    Massive Buddha in Sri Lanka
    It is an annual celebration and tribute to the culture and heritage of the Sri Lankan people. In coordinating the event the foundation seeks to inform the public about their country and its customs. The foundation also aspires to bring generations of Sri Lankans together as a community, to pass along history from one generation to another. The event will take all who attend on a short trip to Sri Lanka through traditional foods, music, dances, art, and theater.
    Colorful costumes of an island culture
    Attendees hear the echo of handmade drums each with its unique tone. They experience a visual feast of vibrant island costumes, colorful clothing, and ornate jewelry. Participants explore the sweets, spices, and aromas of curries and traditional foods while being captivated by dancers and performers. Children and adults alike revel in the Kandy Parade (Perahera), the famous Sri Lankan spectacle that features theater elephants the size of real elephants. And all of these experiences can be enjoyed without ever leaving California.

    In previous years “Sri Lanka Day” has attracted more than 100,000 visitors. The 2015 SL Day was special because it was the first year the event was held in the City of Pasadena. It was also the first year the foundation sponsored its own dance troupe to perform. Every year the foundation works harder to reach new heights... More + PHOTOS

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