Thursday, July 27, 2017

The NEW richest man in the world! (video); Crystal Quintero, Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I win, I win! Everyone can see I'm the winner. Now I'm going to go buy some happiness.
  • Amazon's Founder, Chairman, CEO Jeff Bezos is the richest!
It's okay! He's one of us. What a great country!
With a paper fortune of $92.3 billion in stock, CEO Bezos is a major shareholder.
At 9:30 this morning, Amazon stock began selling at $1,083.31 a share making him the WORLD'S RICHEST HAPPIEST MAN beating out Mexican cellphone magnate Carlos Slim and MicroSoft's miserable developer and CIA-partner Bill Gates.
    The Market giveth, the Market taketh away, July 27, 2017 (edited by Wisdom Quarterly)
    The invisible hand of the market.
    A surge in Inc. shares Thursday morning in advance of the online retailer’s earnings report briefly propelled founder Jeff Bezos past Bill Gates as the world’s richest person.

    Shares of the online retailer fell 0.7 percent to $1,046 by 4:00 pm in New York [home of Wall Street and the NY Stock Exchange, possibly putting Bill Gates back in the lead].

    This is after climbing as high as $1,083.31 four hours earlier, which gave Bezos a net worth of $92.3 billion. Gates had a net worth of $90.8 billion as of the Wednesday close. More

    Depressed by this story? Go read about the "stars" at this time-dump:

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