Monday, July 10, 2017

The Thunder Moon (video) (Shutterstock); Dr. Greer, M.D. (; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

On Sunday, July 9, those who are blessed with a night of clear skies during the stormiest month of the year will be able to see the Full Thunder Moon as it dominates the sky alongside "Saturn."
The moon will be completely full at 12:07 am EDT (0407 GMT) on Sunday (July 9). For observers on the U.S. East Coast, the nearly full moon will rise about 4 hours before the moon reaches peak fullness on Saturday evening. Saturn will rise in the east a little sooner, about 6:30 pm local time. 
Situated in the constellation Sagittarius, the full moon will appear just below Aquila (The Eagle) and above Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii), a medium-bright star of magnitude 2.3.

As usual, during the Northern Hemisphere's summer, the moon is above the horizon for a relatively short time -- only about 10 hours -- reaching a maximum altitude of 29.3 degrees above the horizon in New York City on the night of the Full Thunder Moon. More + VIDEO

Buddhism marks weekly "holy" days or sabbaths, Uposatha Days, based on the phases of the moon according to this neat and skeptical "2 Minute Universe" video (via

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(June 16, 2017) Former general practitioner Dr. Steven Macon Greer, M.D. (born June 28, 1955) is a retired American medical doctor and ufologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Disclosure Project (
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