Monday, July 17, 2017

The Week in Patriarchy

(The Week in Patriarchy,, June 13, 2017); Wisdom Quarterly
Protesting Trump at Trump Tower in NY after election (Erik McGregor/Pacific/Barcroft)
In the wake of Pres. Don Trump’s win [thanks in the main to Hillary Clinton's criminal take over of corrupted DNC, disastrous theft of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, and her humiliating national loss] -- a tremendous political and cultural loss for women -- Jessica Valenti will keep us up to date on the worst news, the best news, and everything in between to help cope with the next four years. Check out the inaugural newsletter here. Sign up here for a weekly email to hear my thoughts about the week in patriarchy.

  • Crossing the divide My journey from an Ohio mobile home to New York City
  • My journey from Ohio mobile home to NYC
  • The Trumps of Russia? How billionaire Agalarov family ended up in the spotlight
  • How billionaire Agalarov family ended up in the spotlight
  • Break-out stories The murderer who hopes writing fiction will set him free
  • The murderer who hopes writing fiction will set him free
  • I was pretending to be a boy for a variety of reasons’ - The strange case of Gayle Newland
    The strange case of Gayle Newland
  • "Remarkably resilient" 70 years after nuclear tests, radioactive coral and fish live on Bikini Atoll
  • 70 years after nuclear tests, coral and fish thrive on Bikini Atoll 
  • Under siege by liberals The town where everyone owns a gun 
  • The town where everyone owns a gun 
  • "He had power and a big ego" The man who may have secretly fathered 200 children
  • Sales of nuclear shelters climb in Japan wary of North Korea tests
  • Fears of devastating earthquakes and tsunamis are giving way to concerns over atomic attack following multiple missile tests conducted by Pyongyang
  • Sales of nuclear shelters climb in Japan wary of North Korea tests
  • New York Battle of Brooklyn ‘grave site’ at heart of new conflict over development plans
  • Lithuania Secrets of the mummies at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius
  • Family dead in Arizona flash flood at swimming hole

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