Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Battle for Berkeley (LIVE video)

Discord chats planned armed Neo-Nazi militia operations in Charlottesville
Large Protests Against Far-Right in S.F.
Anti-racist counter-protesters gather in San Francisco to stop Patriot Prayer and Nazis
Large protests against far-right in S.F.
Authorities in Berkeley, San Francisco, and Alameda County prepared for an influx of fringe-right supporters over the weekend, hoping to squelch the assemblies from turning violent -- like they have in the past -- through a series of legal maneuvers and bureaucratic red tape. And it seems to be working: Patriot Prayer has twice canceled its event in San Francisco and the organizer of a fringe-right rally in Berkeley is urging people not to come. More

After an anonymous source provided Unicorn Riot with access to Discord chat servers being used to plan… (
Network of Spiritual Progressives (Rabbi Michael Lerner):

MAIN SITE for breaking news

DATA RELEASE: “Unite the Right” planning chats demonstrate violent intent
Charlottesville, VA – As white supremacist groups continue to hold “free speech” events in the wake of the deadly hit-and-run murder…
  • Run! The cops are fighting fire with fire!
    ANTIFA (Anti-Fascist Movement) is good and cool and its anarchist members seem to be coming from a good motivation to oppose oppression -- but to deny free speech to anyone? Wisdom Quarterly disagrees. We side with the ACLU in saying that, "The antidote to hateful speech is not silence but more speech." And to use and threaten physical violence? All power to the people. Who takes away our power? Violent police. Now will Antifa do the violent policing? How is that any improvement? It's good to F sh*t up but that's because S is so f*ck*d up right now that subverting the dominant paradigm is a good thing. "Peace," as the Buddha, MLK Jr., Thich Nhat Hanh, Gandhi, and the mothers of many black men murdered by cops would say. When you fight violence with violence, no matter who comes out ahead, violence has won.
Antifa holds up cloth sign: "FUCK THIS SHIT" at MLK Jr. Park in Berkeley, CA (WQ)

NOTES from counter-protester Aaron Connelly: Nazi groups: Proud Boys, Rise Against, Rise Above, DIY Nazi gang in LA/OC, Identity Europa, Hollywood McGinis, racist white-Latino Colombian Johnny Benitez, Augustus Invictus is an outed racist Nazi...
OTHER NOTES: "Khakistan" is a racist wonderland, BAMN = By Any Means Necessary, counter-protesters outnumber right wingers more than 100:1 at Berkeley rally, "Avenge Charlottesville, Defend Your Community" - reads large black and red sign carried in by Antifa, which police tugged at and tried to steal.

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